Overall Excellence Chapter Award



February 2021 CAP'D Luncheon

February 24, 2021
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Effective Nonverbal Communication Skills During Virtual Conversations and
From 6 Feet Away

It is a scientific fact that a person’s body gestures give away his true intentions. Over 90% of a person’s message is relayed through body language cues. The body’s silent messages during virtual conversations, from 6-feet away, and at in-person events reveal more information than the spoken word in conveying true feelings and attitudes. Social distancing conditions intensify uncertainty and fuel anxiety. As a result, every aspect of our role as communicators is now much more magnified and complicated.

Body language expert, Jan Hargrave, will teach the ways in which your body communicates to the world around you. Body language “speaks the loudest” during our conversations. As the nation’s leading behavioral authority, Jan will provide you with the nonverbal behaviors/practices that exude trust and build true connections during virtual conversations and from 6 feet away. Through this program, you will learn how to employ sincere nonverbal behaviors and gain knowledge on how to read the “hidden messages” of everyone around you.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Communicate your ideas impressively and powerfully during conversations.
  • Learn the fundamental gestures that build rapport and display confidence, honesty, likeability, warmth, trust and credibility.
  • Employ effective positioning of your hands, shoulders and posture during Zoom calls and at in-person meetings.
  • Understand the facial expressions of empathy, interest, curiosity, and attention through “reading” facial expressions.
  • Detect “micro-expressions” of deception during virtual and in-person conversations.
  • Decipher quick ways to increase rapport and build connections through mirroring and matching positive nonverbal communication.

This program is under review for EIC credit worth 1.0 CMP clock hour under Domain E.

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