Who else feels like they are drowning in news…and fake news? Fed up of hearing the words ‘new normal’, ‘unprecedented’, ‘new reality’? And finding it really tough to predict the future post-pandemic events’ world when there are so many conflicting reports out there?
Are you with me? Well, get the kettle on, pour yourself a mug of tea, sit back and join your MPI friends to chat, vent, share and listen to what’s happening with our great network of members on Thursday 4th June from 3.30-4.15pm.
As you know we’re an association who brings people together. At the heart of MPI is our strong belief that ‘when we meet we can change the world’. For those of you who have come to a live meeting, you know how beneficial it is to network and talk. We can’t meet physically at the moment, so the next best thing is a zoom meeting. And for those of you who here ‘doom’ instead of ‘zoom’ – don’t worry, this is MPI UK & Ireland, we know how to plan a great meeting and we hope to give you the best organised video call you’ve been on!
We understand your diaries change, meetings overrun or (if you are really lucky) finish early…so this is a relaxed pop-in to our ‘CommuniTEA ROOM’ when you can, be late, leave early – everyone is welcome anytime.
Our CommuniTEA will always feature an insightful guest speaker for a few minutes before we all split into small groups. You’ll get the chance to meet other members, chat about hot/current topics and get a real sense of what’s happening in our industry.
June’s guest speaker is our president Judy Elvey. MPI UK and Ireland chapter are partners of BVEP https://www.businessvisitsandeventspartnership.com/. This umbrella organisation represents the business visits and event sector and are on the ‘inside’ talking to government. And Judy’s going to give us all the latest news and insights from BVEP.
Our new monthly CommuniTEAs have been designed to bring our MPI family closer together, so they are a member only event. If you’re a member you’ll receive an invitation to this from Emma on Wednesday 27th May. Emma will be our new VP of Community in July. If you’re not a member but would like to join please contact us via administrator@mpiuki.org
If by Thursday 28th May you have not received your invitation please contact Emma – emma@warwickevents.co.uk
We’re so looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday and every first Thursday of the month for some fabulous CommuniTEA!
See you with your brew, next Thursday!
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