Past Events


MPI UK & Ireland Bytesize Event: The Road to Recovery

June 30, 2021
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

There can be no doubt that the pandemic has affected the global events industry in ways that no one could ever have imagined. Many of our friends and colleagues have sadly lost their jobs. Others have had to quickly learn new digital skills – which to some has possibly felt more like a course in mountaineering than the day job they are used to. Perhaps the word “pivot” to you suggests spinning around your kitchen on pointed ballet shoes rather than re-designing and repurposing the way you do events? Sound familiar?

After a challenging year we are finally starting to see the signs of recovery for the meetings and events industry. We are all keen to get back to face-to-face meetings, but whether we like it or not things have changed, things have evolved and moved on. The future of events is bright, but the future events will be different.

Whatever your particular challenge, at MPI we get it, and we want to help you build back for a better future. We have brought together a panel of experts from right across the industry to share their views on the road to recovery for the events industry.

We have a fantastic set of speakers lined up to discuss this topic and host a panel session with open Q&A. 

Kate O’Connell - Associate Director, Global Strategic Events and Experiences, EY
Miguel Neves - Editor-in-chief at EventMB
Michael Dominguez - President & CEO, ALHI
James Rees - ICCA President
Stephen Meehan - Chief Executive | The Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD)
Jennifer Davidson - Founder and MD, Sleek Events

Please join us virtually by registering in advance here: Once you are registered, we will provide the virtual login details. 

Tickets are £5 for members and students, £10 for non-members. 

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