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How meetings help create connectedness, combat loneliness

By Thom Singer | Mar 5, 2024

In our increasingly digital world, where loneliness and a sense of disconnectedness are prevalent for many people, live events such as business conferences and trade association meetings are becoming more important than ever for human connection and belonging.

To ensure that your event stands out as a pinnacle of networking and shared experiences, here are five strategies meeting planners can implement.

  1. Encourage speaker-attendee interaction. Every session should include interactive elements that prompt attendees to engage with the content and each other. Encourage speakers to facilitate discussions, pose questions that spur conversation and design activities that require audience participation. This approach enhances learning and encourages attendees to continue the conversation beyond the confines of the session, fostering more profound connections. Having speakers stick around the next break or meal after their presentation can also help attendees connect, as they often want to socialize with presenters.
  2. Cultivate a culture of connection. From the initial planning stages to post-event follow-up, infuse your event with a community spirit. Utilize social media, event apps and email newsletters to start conversations and build anticipation before the event. During the event, create spaces and moments specifically designed for networking. After the event, keep the momentum going with online forums and reunion events. This continuous culture of connection ensures that the relationships formed at your event have the foundation to grow and thrive.
  3. Active networking reminders. Throughout the conference, gently remind attendees of the value of meeting new people and stepping out of their comfort zones. This can be achieved through signage, announcements from the master of ceremonies or by integrating networking prompts into the event app. Encourage attendees to set personal goals for the number of new connections they want to make and provide them with the tools and opportunities to achieve these goals. Also show ways for people to follow up with each other after the event. Without follow up there is no networking.
  4. Designated networking zones. Create spaces within your event venue specifically designed for networking. These zones should be comfortable and inviting, encouraging attendees to sit, talk and connect. Consider incorporating features such as “connection concierges” who can facilitate introductions and themed networking areas based on professional interests or hobbies to spark conversations.
  5. Offer structured networking opportunities. Beyond open networking zones, consider organizing speed-networking sessions, mentorship meetings or industry-specific roundtables with known experts. These structured networking opportunities can cater to attendees who may find open networking daunting, providing them with a more comfortable environment to meet others with similar interests or challenges.

Throughout the conference, gently remind attendees of the value of meeting new people and stepping out of their comfort zones.

As “The Conference Catalyst,” I've dedicated over 15 years to championing the power of business relationships and the art of engagement at live events. My experience has shown me that when people come together with a shared purpose and the right environment, the potential for meaningful connections and community building is limitless. Meeting planners play a pivotal role in this process, creating events that are not just about transferring knowledge but about fostering a culture of connection that lasts well beyond the closing session.

By implementing these strategies, meeting planners can ensure their events offer more than just professional development opportunities—they can remedy the loneliness and disconnectedness that pervade our digital lives. In doing so, live events become essential for building a sense of belonging, community and enduring human connections.

Photo: EMEC 2024, courtesy Butino/Jan Buteijn



Thom Singer
Thom Singer

Thom Singer is a keynote speaker and the CEO at the Austin Technology Council. He actively promotes that “Community, Collaboration and Conversations” can solve all problems and help create “human laboratories for connections” at live events. learn more at