Member Profile


Suzan McEvoy

Photos with Finesse

Where do you work and what do you do? 

I'm the Chief Exposure Officer and owner of Photos With Finesse. 
What were your career aspirations as a child? 

Flight attendant, female James Bond and lawyer - none of which came to fruition - but I have been able to travel lots without the hard work! 
What's one thing your fellow MPI GCC members might be surprised to learn about you? 

My background is IT Support. I fell into that as a career after I realized law school was not for me. (Thank goodness!)

What are the primary types of meetings and events you're involved in? 

The foundation of my work is Meetings & Conventions, peppered with fundraisers and galas. I've covered social enterprise, child abuse, produce marketing and everything in between! 

I loved convention work and needed a better understanding of the industry. Definitely the right decision! Have made some incredible connections and friendships, and last year 67% of my business came via contacts initially made through MPI. 
What is your most memorable moment at a meeting or event? 

The very first live event I shot was World Skills 2009 where I was hired to capture space layout, and was provided with a press pass as an added bonus. Not only did I get to participate in the whole event, I was up close and personal with the 'real photographers', holding a camera in my hand, with up front access to incredible stage performances, bursting with colour and fabulous lighting. It was positively magical - and every event I do always has at least one 'wow moment', or powerful emotional impact. I never lose that feeling of awe at what our industry produces. 

If you could have one magic super power, what would it be? 

A magic wand that, with one flick of the wrist, would clean the house. 

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