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Overall Excellence Chapter Award

MPI Greater Orlando Committees

Be Involved!


MPI Orlando’s most-valuable assets are its members’ time, talent and passion to make a difference. Volunteer opportunities can burnish your professional credentials as you find relationships. As you grow, so does MPI Orlando.

The leader of each MPI Orlando committee will be happy to give you a quick rundown or a thorough response about their role, and how you can make a difference.

To get involved, fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.


The Leadership Committee is responsible for the recruitment of committee members, the development of board members, and the cultivation of future board members.  

Leadership Development
Shalisa James


Join the team that manages and produces our chapter's educational events.  Create relevant, exciting events that connect, showcase, and inform our membership by managing the educational content, work with high-end topical speakers and facilitate the logistical execution of the meetings.

Vice President - Education
Shannon Rodriguez
Email: education@mpiorlando.org

The main objective is to ensure the safekeeping of our Chapter funds, maintaining proper accounting procedures and financial records, and review processes for paying invoices. The VP of Finance reports all monthly financial transactions, presenting up-to-date financial statements to the Board of Directors. Also ensure that the chapter complies with Tax regulations, MPI bonding requirements, and preparing the annual operating budget.

Vice President - Finance
Jo Fostock, CMP 
Email: finance@mpiorlando.org

Membership is responsible for chapter recruiting, care and growth of our members. Committee goals include increasing member retention, growing our membership, and developing members for growth within the chapter.  Member satisfaction is a key objective for this committee.  Being a part of the membership enables you to assist in developing key objectives and goals for all members of the chapter.  It also provides you with a strong background and insight into chapter business practices for future interests in becoming a board member. 

Vice President - Membership
Derrious Robinson
Email: membership@mpiorlando.org 

Our members' return on investment, growth, and well-being is our #1 objective.  The MPI Orlando Marketing and Communications Committee (MARCOMM) proactively plans and executes creative value-based messages to our membership with passion and with a commitment to excellence.  

Vice President - Marketing & Communication
Melissa Showalter, MBA CMP
Email: marketing@mpiorlando.org

The Special Events Committee focuses on executing fun and unique networking events. The committee is responsible for planning MPI After 5's, the Fall and Spring Special Event, the Holiday Event, and the Chapter Celebration. Our committee loves producing exciting events for our members to engage in networking opportunities outside of the office! 

Vice President - Special Events
Chelsea Schneider
Email: events@mpiorlando.org



Vice President - Partnerships
Gabriela McNeil, CMP
Email: partnerships@mpiorlando.org



Vice President - Charitable Giving
Candace Maser
Email: charitablegiving@mpiorlando.org

Volunteers Power MPI
Through volunteer roles, MPI members forge meaningful connections, take leadership roles, and contribute to the industry.

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