Past Events


November Virtual Education Program: Motivation at Work, That Works

November 18, 2020
12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Karen Gerhart

Its tough enough trying to keep yourself motivated as the leader, let alone motivate your employees. Yet, as a leader, one of the greatest challenges you will face is knowing how to motivate your team.


Research says that an average employee is about 60% motivated to do their work, every single day. This was before the new workforce of 2020, before 75% of employees report they would rather work from home now, and certainly before there were 5 generations in the workforce, all working together, or not, at the same time!


Let’s face it, happiness and work do not normally go hand in hand. Most leaders think: ‘how can I get my employees to do what I want them to do?” This type of thinking focuses on short-term results. As a leader you create compliance but what you really want, and what you really need, is commitment!


So how do you motivate your workforce and more importantly, how do you use that motivation to drive employee performance?


It’s been said that: “There is only one way to get anyone to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.”


You will learn how to motivate your workforce at work for work - all while wearing your comfortable jammies, if you like.

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