Past Events


April Education Event - Human Trafficking and New Mexico's Hospitality Industry

April 28, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
2910 Yale Blvd SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Misty Jester

1 clock hour (pending)

Today, across the world, there are over 40 million people who are living in some form of modern-day slavery. Women and young girls account for 71% of all modern-day slavery victims. Children make up 25% and account for 10 million of all victims of slavery worldwide. Some of these children live in your state, your town, and on your street. Yes, New Mexico, even here. This presentation examines the human trafficking issue in the state of New Mexico and its relationship to the hospitality industry. Hotels are one of many venues that traffickers use for their exploits. As a result, industry leaders are encouraged to recognize the unique role they play in identification, prevention and disrupting this crime.

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