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Webinar: Embrace for Impact

May 14, 2020
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

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Embrace for Impact

Thursday, May 14, 2020 
10:30 am 

Webinar Presented by:
Casey Jones
Miracle on the Hudson River Survivor

Hosted by: 
Mandy Dean, VP of Education, MPI North Florida

“Shelter at home” and “Brace for Impact” are two phrases that most of us never thought we would hear in our lifetimes.  While all of us understand firsthand what it means to shelter at home, few of us have been on a completely full flight when the captain advises, “Brace for Impact.”  This presentation will give you a first person account of what happens when a commercial jumbo jet loses both engines and crashes into the Hudson River. In his inspiring presentation, “Embrace for Impact,” Casey Jones will take you through the moment by moment account as a passenger on the flight that became known as the Miracle on the Hudson and the amazing life lessons learned since that incredible day. You will leave this presentation with a feeling of empowerment and strength the tackle the daily challenges of our “new normal” in this global pandemic.


Casey Jones

Casey Jones understands that life can change in an instant.  On January 15, 2009, Casey was aboard US Airways Flight 1549 that crashed into the Hudson River.  He was in seat 7A and after evacuation to the left wing of the crippled aircraft; he spent the next 17 minutes awaiting his turn for rescue.  When he was finally ready to climb aboard that New York Waterways ferry, he was the last person on either wing.  The experience of surviving the most successful ditching in aviation history makes his story one of life, love and hope.

Throughout Casey’s career in business and technology leadership, his 35 years of marriage and the raising of his four children, he has believed that life’s challenges teach us to rise up to the next level.  The events of January 15 further solidified this belief, raised his awareness of the gift of each and every day and cemented a realization that our challenges, struggles and successes are meant to be shared.  That sharing enriches, enhances and encourages each person we come into contact with every day.  Our lives are not our own.  He feels called to embrace the moments that can change and support those around him.

Throughout Casey’s career, he has made over 200 presentations to a wide variety of audiences. As a result of his remarkable experience, he has appeared on local and national radio, local television, Good Morning America, and was featured in an “Assignment America” report on the CBS Evening News.  His return to flying was chronicled in the St. Petersburg Times by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Lane DeGregory and he was a leader in organizing a group of passengers who collaborated on the book, “Miracle on the Hudson,” released by Random House.

MPI Florida Connects Education Series is a collaborative production of TONS. Leaders from the MPI Chapters of Tampa Bay, Greater Orlando, North Florida and South Florida are volunteers dedicated in our partnership to bring education and connections that move our industry forward.



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