MPI Tampa August After 5

At Hotel Flor
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Top Performing Chapter Award



Samantha Nemeroff, CMP

Samantha Nemeroff, CMP

Director of Event Booking

Tampa Bay Area Chapter
Membership in MPI: 6 Years


The reason I wanted to get into events is a funny one… I just wanted to have a walkie-talkie
and wear a headset with a microphone! I grew up listening to Britney Spears and she would
always rock a headset with a mic and I just thought she was so cool. Then I went to a
baseball game with my dad and saw a lady on the field wearing something quite similar
and escorting people on and off the field looking important (i.e anthem singer, first pitch,
guests of honor) and I asked my dad what he thought she did and he said “She’s probably
an Event Coordinator”. So from then on, I knew I wanted to become an Event Coordinator.
Eventually, my interest and knowledge expanded and it was more than just wearing the
walkie-talkie (although I still rock mine today!)

I went to the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at UCF and knew about the student
chapter of MPI however didn’t join then. It wasn’t until I started at my current job and
began networking and building my brand that I knew this was an important organization for
me to be in.

I think my biggest MPI moment was being asked to join the Education committee. If I wasn’t
approached, I probably would not have expressed interest or made the first move to get
further involved. I am appreciative of that person because I get more out of MPI now than I
would have as just a chapter member who only attends luncheons and events. I enjoy
learning from the experienced professionals in the industry. They are always really fun events
with engaging presentations. It’s also a chance for me to meet new people, network, and
spread the AMALIE Arena brand.

Being involved with the Education committee has allowed me to step out of my comfort
zone, take on more responsibilities and finesse my work/life/personal education balance

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