Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Telling Your Story: How to Green Your Event Planning & Let the World Know

March 6, 2018
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Chateau Lacombe Hotel
Edmonton, AB
MPI Greater Edmonton Chapter


Everything we do counts—both the small and the big. We face innumerable choices every day, and to plan events is to make decisions about an experience not just for yourself, but for scores of other people. Embracing sustainability means embracing a specific pattern of decision-making, and as an event planner, you have a unique position of influence.

Event Schedule

11:00am - Networking
11:30am - Lunch
12:15pm - Presentation
1:30pm - Closing Remarks


MPI Member - $42
Non-Member - $62

Thank you to our sponsors!

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Speaker Bio

Aphra Sutherland, B.A.
Associate Project Planner, U of A Sustainability Office

Growing up in the mountains, hiking and canoeing, sustainability was a part of Aphra Sutherland’s interests before she even could name the word. Always interested in the interdisciplinary nature of learning, Aphra recently graduated with an Honours BA in English and a minor in Biological Sciences from the University of Alberta. It was also here at the University that she discovered the campus’ Office of Sustainability, a place where interdisciplinary thought flourishes. Aphra volunteered at the Office first as a communications volunteer, writing articles and reviewing sustainability related books and other media. She then joined the office’s outreach team as an intern for two years, planning and staffing events, before transitioning to full time staff. At the Office of Sustainability  Aphra now administers the Green Spaces program that helps spaces on campus, from labs to instructors to events and more, transition to sustainable practices and be recognized for their effort. Outside of the university, Aphra is involved in the execution of theatre events through her work as a dance instructor and also volunteers with the board of Orchesis Dance Program, her roles ranging from dancer, to choreographer, to coordinating the shows themselves. 


Venue Details

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