Vision 2025
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award
Michigan Chapter - 45 Years



MPI Michigan 2023-2024 Board Positions & Descriptions



Eligibility: Any member in good standing of MPI whose primary affiliation is with this Chapter is eligible for nomination and election to any elective office. It is preferable that the member have served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one year.  

The Executive Committee consists of the Chapter officers - President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents of Membership, Education, Finance, Leadership Development and Communications. The committee is responsible for developing and monitoring the Chapter budget, setting goals and objectives and ensuring that the needs of Chapter members are met and surpassed. 

Members of the Executive Committee are expected to participate actively in chapter monthly meetings, activities and committee meetings, and are required to attend all monthly Board meetings and retreats.



This position is one year, occurring after completing one year as President.

The Immediate Past President shall:

  • Serve as voting member of Board of Directors and Executive Committee
  • Chair the Nominating Committee, ensuring compliance with bylaws and policy, providing an open nominations & elections process, and ensuring compliance with MPI elections calendar requirements.
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Act as support/mentor to President
  • Act as coach, advisor and counselor to board members and committees
  • Attend monthly board meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
  • Conduct transition meeting with successor
  • Perform other duties that may be delegated by the President and/or Board of Directors


The role of the President is directly responsible for communicating with and supervising the chapter Vice Presidents and Directors to ensure that all assignments are completed according to the strategic plan, the chapter is financially sound, and membership is advised of all progress. This position is one year, continuing on to serve one year as Immediate Past President.

The President shall:

  • Ensure Chapter adherence to Chapter Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Prepare consent agenda for each board meeting and distribute prior to meeting
  • Serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except the Nominating Committee
  • Act as official spokesperson of the chapter
  • Conduct annual Board Orientation and mid-year Board Retreat
  • Submit budget needs for the following fiscal year
  • In the event of a Chapter Administrator, oversee performance of Chapter Administrator/Executive Director, including monthly meetings and a yearly performance review.
  • Serve as liaison between the chapter and MPI Headquarters
  • Performs any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors


The role of President-elect includes visioning the future, advising, coordinating and liaising with the President and committees. When requested, the President-Elect serves as Interim President and represents the President when requested. This position is a three-year commitment, continuing on to serve one year as president and one year as immediate past president.

The President-Elect shall:

  • Serve as an advisor to the President in the President’s function as chief spokesperson for the chapter.
  • Serve as advisor to all Vice Presidents on the Board of Directors.
  • Develop Chapter succession plan through mentoring. 
  • Identify and mentor future leaders.
  • Oversee and provide support to the VP of Leadership Development.
  • Perform other duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 
  • Be knowledgeable about Chapter activities in order to act as Interim President or represent the President when necessary. 
  • Oversee Chapter’s Minimum Standards in regulation with MPI International requirements.



The Vice President of Membership will oversee and provide support to the Director of Member Care.  He/she will assume responsibility for membership drives for the chapter, conduct new member orientations, acting student chapter liaison, evaluate new member & member retention/renewal programs to assure member engagement and coordinating the membership retention plan. This individual will act as the liaison to Global monitoring changes regarding Michigan’s chapter record and reporting membership statistics to the board of directors. This position is a one-year commitment.


This individual will also be responsible for facilitating any Global incentives or initiatives.


Activities could include:

  • New Member Orientations
  • Tradeshows
  • Student Chapter Liaison
  • Member Retention/Renewal Campaigns
  • Focus Groups
  • Monthly Committee Calls
  • Ambassador Program




The Vice President of Education will oversee and provide support to the Director of Monthly programs. He/she will assume responsibility for the Chapter’s education initiatives & education plan, and oversee the EIC Preferred Provider Program, negotiate and secure speaker contracts. This position is a one-year commitment.



The Vice President of Communications will oversee and provide support to the Director of Social Media.  He/she will assume responsibility for chapter branding efforts and execution of Chapter marketing plan that supports the objectives of MPI and creates outreach and publicity for MPI through existing and new communication vehicles.  They will also assume the role of editor to oversee all chapter communications via, including but not limited to, social media, newsletter and eblasts, ensuring compliance with MPI standards for logo usage and branding. VP of Communications is also responsible for chapter website updates. This position is a one-year commitment.


The Vice President of Finance will oversee and provide support to the Director of Strategic Partners. He/she will assume responsibility for chapter financial efforts including strategic alliances, investments and reserves. They will maintain proper accounting procedure for the receipt, payment and management of funds. They will prepare the annual operating budget and ensure compliance and provide the Board of Directors with updated financial information monthly. This position is a one-year commitment.


The Vice President of Leadership Development will mentor & provide support to all members in developing their professional skills, as well as, promote future chapter leadership.  The Vice President of Leadership Development will oversee and provide support to the Director of Fundraising and Special Events.  This individual will assume responsibility for all of the volunteers and ensure they are being utilized according to their passion and skillset.  He/she will oversee the Let's Do Lunch leader speaker series, management of engaged members, fundraisers, scholarships, Celebration! logistics, and awards recognition.  This position is a one-year commitment.


Eligibility: Any member in good standing who has been an MPI member for a minimum of one year is eligible for a position on the Board of Directors.

Directors facilitate, collaborate, delegate, mentor, coach, teach, resolve conflict, and execute for success.  Directors create objectives to support the Chapter’s Strategic and Business Plan, educate committee chairs with processes, procedures, and tools to achieve committee objectives, assist in budget development, cultivate future leaders, and schedule transition time with the incoming Director.

The chief responsibilities of a Director are managing and supervising committee chairs and the ongoing activities of working committees for the chapter.  Directors are ultimately responsible for ensuring the fiscal responsibility of the committees to which they are assigned.

Directors are expected to actively participate in chapter monthly meetings, committee meetings and activities, and are required to attend all monthly Board meetings and retreats.



The chief responsibilities of the Director of Member Care are managing membership committees.  He/she will assume responsibility for managing new member onboarding programs, recruitment efforts, and assisting the Vice President of Membership with any Global initiatives or membership drives.  This position is a one-year commitment.


Activities could include:

  • Recruitment
  • Tradeshows
  • Prospective Member Campaigns
  • New Member Onboarding


The chief responsibilities of the Director of Social Media are overseeing all social media channels, coordination with committee chairs, creation of yearly communications calendar with VP, tracking metrics, contributing creative content and supporting the Vice President of Communications.  This position is a one-year commitment.


The Director of Monthly Programs is responsible for all educational programs including Global Event Industry Day (GEID) and Mid-Winter Symposium (MWS). He/she will coordinator logistics, planning and execution of education programs including site selection, menu selection, audio/visual, room set up, registration and hotel arrangements. He/she is responsible for ensuring that chapter programming meets the requirements for CEUs. He/she will work with Communications to promote the education programs. This position is a one-year commitment.


The Director of Regional Conference is responsible for the Michigan Chapter’s role in executing the Great Lakes Education Summit in conjunction with participating MPI Chapters and administrator. He/she will serve on the GLES planning committee to plan and oversee all logistical arrangements including site selection, website development, educational programming, vendor showcase, menu selection, audio/visual, room set up, registration and hotel arrangements. He/she will also recruit and oversee volunteers from the Michigan Chapter, This position is a one-year commitment.


The Director of Strategic Partners will assume responsibility for chapter financial efforts and will develop strategies to increase revenue and in-kind support for the Chapter. He/she will develop, implement and manage Chapter sponsorship efforts, including strategic alliances. He/she will ensure compliance and report to Board of Directors. He/she will work with Communications to promote sponsorship efforts. This position is a one-year commitment.


The Director of Fundraising and Special Events will mentor & provide support to all members in developing their professional skills, as well as, promote future chapter leadership. This individual will assume responsibility for the oversight of chapter special events, scholarships, the annual Silent Auction, fundraising and all details of Celebration! This position is a one-year commitment.

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