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Member Spotlight Judy Hathaway

MS_ Judy Hathaway

By: MPINJ | May 27, 2021

Name: Judy Hathaway
Occupation: Meeting Planner/ Travel Advisor
Planner or Supplier: Planner
Member Since: 2004
Current Employer: Self-Employed

How did you get your start in the industry:
I worked with Hewlett-Packard for 25 years.  When I took an early retirement package, my old boss (who I became very good friends with) introduced me to Meeting Professionals Expectations that I now work for as an independent meeting planner

How many years have you been in the industry?
18 Years

What is your favorite thing about our industry?
Meeting and working with awesome people all over the world.

What is the best career advice you've received?
Always have a back-up plan!

What is the most memorable event you have planned or client experience you have had?
There are two that immediately come to my mind:  a financial meeting in Shanghai for high-level pension plan managers for all the country of Asia; and a touring group of the Ottawa Suzuki Orchestra (children) in Ireland. 

If you were not in this industry, what would you be doing right now?
I would be a chef or involved in international business.

What is your favorite city to travel to and why?
Paris – I LOVE everything about Paris….the people, the food, the wine, the history, dinner cruises on the Seine, their language…..

If you could invite one famous or noted people (past or present to dinner who would you choose?
Audrey Hepburn

Which three words describe you best?
Spiritual, Happy, Positive

How long have you been a member of MPI?
15 Years

What do you love about MPI NJ?
The members!!! We care about each other.  



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