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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Membership Benefits

Preferred or Premier memberships provide MPI Heartland Chapter members with great advantages.

It's what you put into it!

This year we are putting a renewed emphasis on attendance and recruitment. We need the help of all current and future members to make us successful.

The more members we have, the more ROI there is for each of us. 
The more members we have, the more brainpower we have. 
The more members we have, the better our programs are. 
The more attendance we have at meetings, the better our networking will be. 
The more networking we do, the more we will know about the products and services available to us. 

To learn more about MPI membership, benefits, and the Heartland Chapter, please email our VP of Membership, Tara Platt at


Membership Referral 

Refer a friend and here's what is in it for you! 


$50.00 Cash Is YOURS From The Heartland Chapter

$25.00 Credit From MPI Global Toward Your Membership Renewal

(Referrals MUST Provide YOUR Member Number On The Application)


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