Trends and Challenges in the Hospitality Market
August 20, 2024
Join Us for the August CAP'D Program with Michael Dominguez
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Affiliate Membership

Thank you for your interest in joining the MPI Houston Area Chapter (MPI-HAC) as an Affiliate Member.  We look forward to your involvement with our chapter. 

The Affiliate Membership fee is $100.00 annually from the time of joining. 

Benefits to becoming a member of the Houston Area Chapter include:

  • Invitations to all MPI-HAC meetings and events
  • Access to the MPI-HAC member directory
  • Advertising and sponsorship opportunities

Terms & Conditions:

You can only become an Affiliate member of MPI-HAC if you have a full membership at another MPI Chapter.

The Affiliate Member is expected to RSVP for each monthly meeting that they plan to attend. Otherwise, the member will be considered a walk-in and seated based on availability.

Affiliate Program annual fees are non-refundable and are non-transferable to other MPI Chapters.

Please forward this Affiliate Membership Application with credit card information or check made payable to:

MPI-Houston Area Chapter
P.O. Box 692332
Houston, TX 77269

Or scan and email the completed application to: 
Chapter Administrator,

If you have additional questions about this application, please contact the Chapter Administrator at 832-541-5234

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