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Join the Board of Directors

Make a Commitment to Yourself And Your Houston Area Chapter



The MPI Houston Area Chapter relies upon our volunteers to address the changing needs of our members, the Chapter and lead us into the future. A crucial effort to ensure our Chapter's continued success is the selection of dedicated and enterprising Board members. The Nominations Committee seeks candidates to serve as officers and directors on the 2025 MPI-HAC Board of Directors for the January 1 – December 31, 2025 term.

Please review the qualifications and attached position descriptions and, if interested, complete the Board Candidates Application (link below). Through service on the MPI HAC Board of Directors, you have an incredible opportunity to build your professional skill set, expand your network, enhance leadership skills, and move the Chapter forward.

Serving on the Board of Directors is a significant and incredibly rewarding commitment. Board duties include: monthly board and chapter meeting attendance; annual and mid-year retreat participation; the virtual MPI Chapter Leadership Summit (Sept. 12, 2024); chapter advocacy; liaison to pertinent committee chairs, and a role model for chapter & industry members. Board members have a fiduciary responsibility for the chapter’s well-being and set priorities that assure the long-range strength of the organization. If you have any questions, please email


The following positions are open for nomination:

(1) President-Elect: One-year term with three-year commitment (automatic succession to President in 2026)

(5) Vice Presidents: One-year term

(7) Directors: One-year term


MPI-HAC Board of Directors Qualifications:

· Be a non-student member in good standing

· Be willing to fulfill the obligations of office, in the capacity indicated

· Have a history of involvement, accomplishment and dependable service to MPI or MPI-HAC

· Be willing to contribute time, energy and creativity to the chapter with the consent of your employer


Please review the Board of Directors Position Descriptions prior to submitting an application.


Nominating Process

Self-nominations are encouraged and welcome, but if you know a current member that would be an excellent board candidate, please nominate that person. It’s perfectly acceptable to nominate more than one individual for any of the board positions. If you have an interest in more than one position, please indicate that on the application. Board Nominations are to be received no later than Friday, May 10, 2024.

Upon receipt of all nominations, applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee and all candidates will be scheduled for interviews. The Committee will recommend one candidate per position on a slate of candidates to be presented to the Membership for review in July. If no positions are contested, the slate will be ratified, submitted to MPI Global and duly elected candidates will take office on January 1, 2025.

In preparation for their service, prior to assuming board positions in January, all directors will be asked to participate in a transition/orientation meeting between the current position holder and themselves, the virtual Chapter Leadership Summit and MPI-HAC’s Annual Retreat – typically a 2-day retreat held in October/November.


The Nominating Committee will use the following criteria in considering candidates:

  • Willingness and ability to fulfill the obligations of office in the capacity indicated
  • History of involvement, accomplishment and dependable service to MPI or the chapter
  • Desire to contribute time, energy, support and creativity to the chapter with consent of employer
  • Skills and experiences that will contribute to developing the overall landscape of the board
  • Leadership, business and management experience outside of MPI
  • Contents of the completed application
  • Results of phone interview



Thank you in advance for your nomination,


Shannon Smith, CMP
Chapter Administrator

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