Trends and Challenges in the Hospitality Market
August 20, 2024
Join Us for the August CAP'D Program with Michael Dominguez
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



President's Message


“We want to hear directly from you about your needs so that we can continue to be an association that delivers and supports the needs of its members."

Welcome MPI-HOUSTON! I’m so honored to support you in the creation of continuing education and relationship-building for the 2023-2024 term. 

Progress has little to do with speed and much more to do with direction. The previous leadership of our chapter has steered us through the fog and into an open and clear future filled with new opportunities. Our membership has grown by 27% this past year and continues to grow monthly. 

As a board, we have planned a year that anticipates the needs of our members in an ever-changing industry – traditional education luncheons will alternate with breakfast and evening events to accommodate a broader audience. Our education team is already working on speakers to bring you the latest updates in technology, trends, and best practices. Houston is growing and we plan on showcasing the newest venues, hotels, and attractions to our membership. However, we really want to hear directly from you about your needs so that we can continue to be an association that delivers and supports the needs of its members. 

I encourage you to get involved with the chapter, join a committee, chair an event or learn more about applying for the Board! Our success as a chapter depends on you!

Looking forward to a wonderful year!

Juliana M. Wathen, DMCP

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