Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Board of Directors Candidate Application


* I am applying for the following position(s) on the MPI-HAC Board of Directors: (Please select any desired positions - all positions below represent a 1 Year Term except where indicated).

Part One: Qualifications

Please answer the following questions:

Part Two: Declaration

Please read the following information carefully.  Sign below to declare your candidacy and acceptance of the terms in this section of the application.


I. If slated by the Nominating Committee, I agree to actively serve on the MPI-HAC Chapter Board of Directors.  I understand that this includes:

a) Fulfilling my role and responsibilities from January 1 - December 31, 2025;

b) Attending and fully participating in all board meetings to the best of my ability; Board Meetings are typically the 2nd Monday afternoon of the month

c) Attending and participating in assigned committee meetings to the best of my ability;

d) Arriving for meetings fully prepared on the issues to be discussed;

e) Remaining active in the activities of the chapter;

f) Promoting the programs, goals and products of the chapter; and

g) Faithfully discharging duties that may be assigned to me.

h) Attending and participating in Annual & Mid-Year Retreats (Annual Retreat dates are typically in October/November; Mid-Year Retreat in May/June 

II. I agree to abide by the MPI Principles of Professionalism.

III. I have the full support of my employer regarding the duties and responsibilities of the office that I am seeking.  (Note: Slated applicants will be asked to submit a letter of support from their employer.)

IV. I understand that the Nominating Committee will set up an interview to discuss my candidacy.




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