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Getting to Know - Jenny Dao-D'Angelo

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By: Jenny Dao-D'Angelo | Jan 10, 2022

Name and designations:
Position: Business Development Manager
Employer: Tourism Saskatoon
Joined MPI in: 2013

Contact information:
Linked IN:

Jenny D. headshot

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself

    I was born and raised in the capital of Canada although I lived in Vancouver for a short period. I attended Carleton University and graduated with a double major in Law and Psychology. I initially wanted to be a lawyer which is how I met my husband. We now live in Wellington Village with our two kids Logan (3 ½ Years) & Lauren (1 Year).

    Tourism Saskatoon Banner

  2. How did you join the industry? Was it a straight path or a more circuitous route?

As I mentioned, I initially was in school to become a lawyer. While I was in university, I was working for Bacardi Canada. My favourite part of my job was planning and executing large scale marketing events with our partners. I was then recruited by one of our clients Ottawa Venues, with an opportunity to grow the business events department as the Director of Sales. Over the span of 6+ years, I have double sales targets year after year. Then Covid hit just as I was taking my maternity leave for my second child. Upon my return, I found that a lot of my industry colleagues had shuffled around or had left the industry completely. I was presented with the opportunity with Tourism Saskatoon and their dynamic team. I am excited to bring my flair and energy to this beautiful city.

Social Media:

  • What is the best industry blog or Ted Talk you’d recommend to fellow members?

    As someone with a psychology background, I love learning about the reasons behind people’s motivations & their drives. I’ve found that this understanding allows for deeper, more meaningful personal and business connections.

    My favorite Ted Talks are:

     “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown. My greatest takeaway from her Ted Talk is that we all need human connection and the best human connection is attained by being courageous, compassionate, caring and vulnerable.

    Brené Brown Headshot

    “Grit: the power of passion & perseverance” by Angela Lee Duckworth. She explains that a great motivation for long term goals is to have a growth mindset, that nothing is ever static. To persevere through failure is a great measure of success.


  • What do you want to accomplish before your next birthday?

    I endeavour to become a successful and knowledgeable representative of Tourism Saskatoon. My goal is to be the person who people seek for tourism and event related queries. I’d love to be a connector for both people and businesses across industries from coast to coast.


  • What is the best advice you have ever received?

    The best advice I have ever received was lean into discomfort. Disruption helps you grow.



  • What is the advice you would give to your younger self?

    My advice to my younger self would be: you’re in this for the long haul. Keep an eye on the big picture and don’t sweat the small stuff.


  • What’s your favourite 'icebreaker question' at a networking event/best conversation starter?

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?


Article written by
Jenny Dao-D’Angelo | LinkedIn at Tourism Saskatoon: Overview | LinkedIn



Jenny D. headshot
Jenny Dao-D'Angelo
Business Development Manager at Tourism Saskatoon

Jenny Dao-D’Angelo | LinkedIn at Tourism Saskatoon: Overview | LinkedIn


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