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Final President's Message 2020-2021

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By: Nancy Bradshaw | Jun 28, 2021

Well the year is winding down and as the days of June tick by I realize my term as the current President of the MPI Ottawa Chapter: Overview | LinkedIn is coming to an end.  It has been such a transformative year for me, our chapter leadership and our members.  We have all gone through challenging times, learned new skills and developed ways to thrive in a new world.

In my final post I wanted to reminisce a bit and share with you some of the wonderful opportunities that have come my way through volunteering to be part of the chapter leadership team.

My journey began years ago volunteering in the Community Outreach program and then on the Education committee, something I was completely comfortable with as a seasoned event professional.  Then I took a call from Greg Plazek | LinkedIn (I know we are all smiling now) and he sold me on the idea of challenging myself by taking on a role with the board.  By stepping out of my comfort zone and into something he promised would be fulfilling.  When Greg was president, he was famous for encouraging us all and reminding us that the board is a safe place to learn new skills with the support of your fellow board members there to help guide you through the process. So of course I jumped right in joined the board and took on the role of Partnerships.  This role was challenging, but also so very rewarding combining my two side of the event world – participant engagement and sales. 

I was not long into my second year in the position when Allison Collins | LinkedIn the President-Elect at the time began her recruitment strategy for me to join her in the president stream.  We all know her soft, caring yet firm style can bring anyone around to thinking it was your idea and a great idea at that.  Allison was an incredible president and role model.  To this day when faced with a challenging issue I try to remind myself of Greg’s optimism and Allison ability to be heard and listened to while speaking softly. When you add in a bit of Jennifer (Perlberg) McAndrew MBA CED DES | LinkedIn– “let’s just get it done” attitude, I end up with my presidential style.

It has been so very rewarding to be the President of MPI Ottawa.  I have been given the opportunity to help our chapter thrive in difficult circumstances while working alongside some amazing collaborative board partners.  I have built life-long friendships with my fellow Office of the President members.  As a team we strive every day to remember we are working for you – our event industry family.  Ashley Craven, CMP, DES | LinkedIn aka Slash, our Incoming President, has been our rudder.  She guides us with a strong and passionate desire to ensure our chapter’s needs are represented and heard at MPI Global.  Lori Wagner, DES |LinkedIn took a leaf out of Greg’s book and jumped into an uncomfortable position as VP Finance and we have watched her grow into a strong leader supporting us all with the vital information we need to keep our chapter solvent. Allison brought the words of wisdom we all need.  Together we formed a lasting bond. 

So why am I telling you my story on the board; to encourage you to jump in and join us. I guarantee it will be time consuming, sometimes frustrating but always life changing.  I wish I could have done this year in person as we all do.  But on the bright side, I now know how to talk/cry on camera.  

I want to thank you all for spending this year with me. I also want to send a special shout out to Tourism Saskatoon for supporting my work with the Chapter – they believe in the work we do and we appreciate their commitment to our event industry community.

nancy bradshawArticle written by Nancy Bradshaw CMP | LinkedIn at Tourism Saskatoon: Overview | LinkedIn


Article edited by Darlene Kelly-Stewart, Stonehouse Sales & Marketing Services



nancy bradshaw
Nancy Bradshaw

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