Education Event: The Fight Against Human Trafficking
August 20, 2024
Join us for a powerful session dedicated to exploring the role of the meeting's industry fight against human trafficking.

MPISSN's Swinging Soiree: 9-Hole Golf Tournament is NOW OPEN!
September 25, 2024
MPISSN's Swinging Soiree: 9-Hole Golf Tournament & Wine Tasting is on September 25th from 1PM-7PM

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Education Luncheon: What's Your Next Milestone?

November 14, 2017
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Lions Gate Hotel & Conference Center
Sacramento, CA
Lynette Magnino
Phone: 916 509 7270




Jennifer Flohrknows you mustPERSIST.
Sr. Vice President, CA Hotel & Lodging Assoc.

Marie CicognisaysJUST DO IT.
Sales Manager, Holiday Inn SacramentoDowntown Arena

Amy Wister(Moderator)believes inTRANSFORMATIONALexperiences.
Founder and CEO of The Stylist Online

Sheri Gracianoencourages aPASSIONATEmind-set.
Human Resources Manager, Visit Sacramento

Christina HakeadvocatesINDUSTRY INVOLVEMENT.
Chief Solutions Officer with AveryMurphy LLC

Plus, Presentation of MPISSN's Annual Awards

Planner of the Year

Supplier of the Year

Generously sponsored by:

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Now departing for the next destination of your career.
Is there a cliff in front of you, clearly paved roads or
uncharted, rocky terrain?

Why not sit in with our panelists and your peers and be part of the discussion about the benefits and pitfalls of making a change in your professional life.


  • Learn what HR officers and hiring managers are looking for today, including current trends and how you might prepare yourself to enter the job market
  • Learn about steps to consider before making a transition inside or outside your current role, profession or industry
  • Hear what it may take to fully engage your desire to implement change

Venue Details

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