Virtual Town Hall
January 30, 2025
Come one, come all, join your MPISSN colleagues for the annual Town Hall on January 30, from 4PM-5PM

Crab Feed Registration is NOW OPEN!
February 25, 2025
Our Annual Crab Feed and Auction is on February 25th from 6PM-10PM

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPISSN/CalSAE Education @ Seasonal Spectacular!

December 13, 2018
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sacramento Convention Center
1215 19th Street
Sacramento, CA
Lynette Magnino

MPISSN is pleased, once again, to partner with CalSAE
and present an education session at Seasonal. 

Leveraging Competitive & Market Intelligence
in Association & Planning Business Strategy Design 

Presented by Jeff Mansfield

Jeff MansfieldBusiness models are under attack. Whether it is a five year-old company or a 100 year-old association, it is increasingly difficult to continue “business as usual.” Increasingly associations are relying on competitive intelligence and market insights to help understand the threats new technology or business models have on their strategy before it is too late.  Events continue to be key revenue generators but there is competition and changes in the market are occurring rapidly with technology.  The need for competitive and market intelligence has never been higher.

The session today is designed to help educate leadership on what competitive intelligence is, how organizations use it, and how it is leveraged to make more informed decisions regarding new strategies, service offerings, member engagement, and revenue generation. In its most efficient form, insight at the right time can help an association become the change agent!  We will walk through what CI is, how effective organizations use it, review a case study, and go through some exercises on how to create and execute a CI process/engagement.

Sacramento Convention Center
1400 J Street
Sacramento, CA



Venue Details

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