Crab Feed Registration is NOW OPEN!
February 25, 2025
Our Annual Crab Feed and Auction is on February 25th from 6PM-10PM

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



February Education Luncheon

February 19, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
The Westin Sacramento
4800 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA
Lynette Magnino
Education Logo for website

Register Today!

MPISSN's February Education Luncheon!
Tuesday, February 19, 2019!

Join MPISSN for its February Education Luncheon. We will meet on the Tuesday following President's Day Weekend at the beautiful Westin Sacramento overlooking the Sacramento River.

We are pleased to have our sponsor, Visit Concord, with us that day to share with attendees news and developments for this East Bay region.

Generously Sponsored by                         Host Venue


What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Managing Risk From The Meeting Planners' Desks

margaret spence_crop newSPEAKER:
Margaret Spence

The most critical step to understanding Risk Management for meeting professionals is thinking out of the box, recognizing that risk doesn’t come neatly prepackaged with a bow. Risk is unforeseen, often overlooked, and sometimes too scary to even think about it. By the end of this keynote, you will look at risk through a different lens, and we will help you consistently and objectively identify event-specific risk issues, evaluate exposures, determine risk transferability, and help you strategically think about integrating risk management into your event planning process.

 Margaret Spence, CEO 
C. Douglas & Associates, Inc. 

Employers can no longer accept injuries as the inevitable cost of doing business. Margaret founded Douglas Claims & Risk Consultants, because she wanted to use the experience she gained as an Adjuster, Risk Manager, and Human Resources Director to impact the way employers managed risk. From a catapulting question written on a napkin in 1999, her company, C. Douglas & Associates, currently manages human resources and risk management oversight functions, workplace injury compliance, and a claims loss portfolio valued at over $95 million for its Fortune 500 client base.   

With more than 30 years of Risk Management, Workers’ Compensation, Human Resources, and Injury prevention experience, her expertise has empowered companies to navigate the often-complex risk management process.  

Margaret industry contributions includes being a six-term member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Special Expertise Panel on Employee Health, Safety, and Security and a continuing education provider for the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI).  Two-term VP of Professional Development for the Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management (GMSHR). In 2008, she founded National Return to Work Week, which champions injured employees by helping employers implement stay-at-work programs. This initiative is now incorporated into the Workers' Compensation Institute (WCI) and Margaret Co-Chairs the Institutes Return to Work and Disability Management Initiatives.

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions, what we hope to do, is empower you to think differently and act proactively when managing the “what if’s” that can occur at your events.

The one thing this program won’t be? Boring! Risk management isn’t the sexiest topic, but our speaker has spent the last thirty years managing risk and empowering organizations to think out of the box. Her stories will charm you and leave you feeling that you can handle any risk that shows up at your event.

Learning Objectives:

This session will answer four fundamental questions: What are your risk factors? What are the distinguishing characteristics of controlling risk? What can you do to transfer risk to others? What should you do in the event an incident occurs?

Key outcomes:

  • Understanding the key facets of risk management, both internal and external risk factors.
  • Defining exposure while mapping worse case scenarios.
  • Keen understanding of risk transfer and insurable exposures.
  • Learning how to design a exposure checklists to avoid overlooking exposures.


Plus! Join us as we celebrate membership milestones and
present longevity pins!


      Member     Non-Member
Early Bird

      $50     $75

      $65     $95
Walk-in attendance
not guaranteed.
Only if space permits.
      $80     $110



Venue Details

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