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Tech Talk

By: MPISTL | Feb 6, 2019

Keeping up with new technology for meetings and events is not easy. New apps, new website services, new presentation do you possibly know what to choose and when do you have time to do your research? Personally, I'm about ease of use and adaptation. Will this add value to what I am currently working on (for an event service, for branding, for communicating)? Or, will it just be another thing I have to learn, to then realize that it's not really what I wanted at all? Prezi was one of those tools. It just made me dizzy.

TechTalk_0219We thought that a brief, monthly column might help to not only review products, but also expose you to those tools that you may never get around to exploring - simply because you don't have the time to do the leg work yourself. Today we're going to look at closing the gap.

Close the Gap
Have you ever received a text message that looked like it was an unconscious stream of thought? Formatting a little off, no visuals, scroll, scroll, scroll...

I understand text messaging. I belong to numerous group chats with friends, I use Whatsapp for international communication, and GroupMe for my daughter's volleyball club. Texting has become a great, personal tool - instantaneous and easy.

However, when it comes to meetings and events, regular texting doesn't work. And not every client wants to spend money on an event app.

A more cost effective and very professional tool I've been using these days is called Close the Gap (CTG). CTG allows you to send customized, scheduled or instantaneously branded text messages using a variety of media including jpgs, brochures, video previews, or html links to surveys (for example).

How does it work?
As administrator, you simply log into your account online, and create attendee groups. You upload your excel database of names, mobile numbers, and individual information to create customized messaging such as logistics notes, departure information, or activity instructions - for specific groups of people or individuals. I have used CTG several times now and every time we get such great feedback from attendees! Clients have come to expect these text messages, they receive instant feedback from the event team, and it keeps the communication stream open whether your attendee is on the golf course, or waiting for a ride downtown at a Film Festival. Definitely something I would recommend for a test drive. For more information on this, you can go to and ask for a demo. Happy Texting!

Submitted by Connie Scheer, Freelance Content Creator and Planner for Branding and Events



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