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April Tech Talk - Attendee Engagement

By: MPISTL | Apr 17, 2019

Roadshows and tradeshows are a very popular part of the event industry these days, and with that always comes the question: "How do we increase interactivity with our vendors?" I've seen the passport method where attendees have to visit so many booths, listen to their pitch for five minutes, and get "stamped" proving that they have visited the booth and perhaps even engaged with the vendor. As a result, they get a prize. Cvent Connect goes as far as giving you a discount on your registration fee if you make a Trade Show appointment commitment with various hotels while you are at the show.

But does this really engage the attendee or is it just luck that someone may be interested enough in your product to become a qualified lead?

Technology has allowed us to dig a little deeper. Engage the attendee by not only making it more interesting, but also educating them and keeping it fun.

Event apps have added a new dimension of engagement that deserves a little attention. Some event apps allow you to create electronic scavenger hunts - where attendees not only have to visit with vendors, but they also have to answer questions on the app directly related to the product/service being presented. CrowdCompass, a Cvent company, has gamification features that assign points based on how attendees explore the app, view other profiles, visit sponsorship links, or use the Event Guide, for example. All of these activities provide a more engaged experience that creates a more interactive and educational experience for your attendees.

One of our clients uses Klik for their 800+ event and they continue to find that it is excellent for not only tracking attendees, but for gamification as well. It's a funky wristband that attendees wear, is waterproof and can also be branded. Something to consider as an alternative to an app, and is also less expensive when it comes to app design costs.

I'm always interested in knowing what others are doing for increasing interactivity. Drop me a line at if you would like to share your inventive ideas!

Submitted by Connie Scheer, Freelance Content Creator and Planner for Branding and Events.



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