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Hero Habits: How to Avoid being a Villain at Work


By: Michael ‘Hahndo’ Hahn, Author & Keynote Speaker | May 2, 2017

Remember the last time a client request put you over the edge. It was just a little thing, but you said something you shouldn’t have or you reacted in a way that just wasn’t you. Why did it happen? How can you avoid feeling the regret? I asked myself that same question and I ended up writing Hero Habits: The Guide to Surviving THRIVING in Corporate America and in Life.

Here is the summary: you have two people doing battle inside you. One is a hero and the other is a villain, usually the hero calls the shots, but when stress, frustration and overwhelm dial up, the villain has the fuel she needs to take control and create a big ole’ mess.

How can you help the hero win more often? When you study everyday heroes, you’ll find that they THRIVE because they have good habits that they don’t think about anymore. They have Hero Habits!

There are seven hero habits, but I’ll share the three main ones now.

Heroes have designed their life as a winnable game. They’ve created an environment that allows them to leverage their strengths. They fill their cup up before it gets empty. They eat well, they make time to exercise, and they have a ritual of relaxation or a hobby that allows them to get grounded and put down the weight of their work for a bit.

When life throws those curveballs; maybe a promotion, health challenges, family issues, or maybe a perfect storm of all three, we have a choice. Heroes assume positive intentas they get feedback or evaluate their circumstances. They don’t blame others or point their finger. They willingly accept feedback and assume it comes from a place of positive intent.

Even when you design your life as a winnable game and assume positive intent, sometimes the challenges of life push you to your tipping point. It’s easy to take on too much and then one day, find yourself looking in the mirror and seeing the hero, but feeling like the villain. It’s in those moments, that heroes Choose Happiness.

Choosing Happiness sounds simple, but it sure isn’t easy and can feel impossible, especially when all fingers are pointed at you! If you aren’t sold on the whole hero thing, then maybe you want to be the villain. So here are the villainous vices that will allow your inner villain to THRIVE.

Villains design their life as an unwinnable game. They make sure to hide in their comfort zone and avoid taking on additional challenges. They like jobs that highlight their weaknesses or require skills or experience they don’t have. Villains find someone to blame and gossip to anyone who will listen. But even when success sneaks through, they sabotage themselves by assuming negative intent from anyone and anything. They believe the entire world is out to get them, but even if a miracle happens and success starts to bloom, they squash it by Choosing Misery. Actually, sometimes they choose misery and sometimes misery is their default setting, but either way, they drastically try to avoid happiness.

Are you ready to BE THE HERO?

For more information on habit happiness, please visit www.MichaelHahnSpeaker.com or see you next edition where I’ll highlight another hero habit.



Michael ‘Hahndo’ Hahn, Author & Keynote Speaker

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