Signature Luncheon 2024
November 26, 2024
Join MPI-CAC on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at the Marriott Marquis Chicago for our highly anticipated Signature Lunch!
Register Now!

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI Chicago Area Committee Descriptions


Below you will find information on all MPI-CAC Committees. 


Purpose & Objective: The Annual Awards Recognition Celebration (AARC) celebrates the contributions of our chapter’s hardest working volunteers, and recognizes those who are making an impact on the meetings and events industry. The purpose of this committee is to organize and execute the MPI-CAC Annual Awards Recognition Celebration. The committee works closely with the Office of the President and the Awards Selection Committee to develop a theme, programming, presentation and scripting, and is also responsible for staying within the budget for the event and securing in-kind sponsorships to help make the event possible. 

Annual Events: (1) - Annual Awards Recognition Celebration (May/June)

Time Commitment: Monthly committee meeting (60 minutes). Time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.

Subcommittees: (3) - Sponsorship; Marketing; Event Execution/Logistics.

Available Roles: Committee Members

**Invite Only**

Purpose & Objective: The committee’s main focus is to reward and recognize MPI-CAC members and are tasked with cultivating a pool of highly qualified nominees.  From this pool of nominees, the committee will encourage them to complete the application process in order to be considered a finalist.  The committee will review all finalist applications and select a slate of recipients by utilizing the ballot rating system as a tool.  Once the slate is selected, it will be presented for approval by the Board of Directors Executive Committee.

Additionally, the committee will work in partnership with the AARC committee on the Finalist Reception and the Celebration.  The point is to ensure that not just the recipients were acknowledged, but everyone that submitted an application (finalists) is acknowledge too.  This will include before, during and after the Celebration to include letters to bosses, follow up letters after the Celebration and any press releases.

Annual Events:  None

Time Commitment: Varies from month to month and is most busy beginning in January through April depending upon the Annual Awards Recognition Celebration event date.  One to two committee meetings in person throughout the year, the remainder of the meetings are conducted via conference call.

Purpose & Objective: The purpose of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility Committee is to ensure equal opportunity and involvement for the MPI-CAC community. Our vision is a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere across race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience. 

Our goals include, but are not limited to:                                               

  • Align and expand MPI-CAC strategic goals with IDEA objectives.
  • Create and provide a safe environment to address any grievances and share all feedback with the organization.
  • Ensure leadership reflects the diverse MPI-CAC Community.
  • Facilitate healthy and productive conversation around inclusion.
  • Promote the stories and achievements of outstanding and inspirational diverse leaders within the community. 
  • Supply our membership with tools and resources. 

Annual Events: None currently.

Time Commitment: Monthly meetings (60 minutes) and approximately two hours outside of monthly IDEA meetings for committee members to perform their subcommittee duties. 

Subcommittees: IDEA liaison for each chapter committee.

Available Roles: Liaison to Education Content


Purpose & Objectives: MPI-CAC has (3) education sub-committees that are collaboratively responsible for planning and producing (5) quality education events that provide our members the opportunity to earn up to (6) Continuing Education credits to maintain their certifications. These sub-committees are comprised of the following:

Education Content Committee:

  • Purpose & Objectives: Develop content to provide well-rounded, focused education for various career levels and attendee types that incorporates DEI and maximizes CE credit offerings and increases overall attendance.
  • Responsible for sourcing, procuring, and nurturing relationships with dynamic speakers for all MPI-CAC educational events.
  • Maintain the Chapter's speaker database and update educational resources on
  • Time Commitment: Monthly committee meeting (60 minutes). time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.

 Available Roles: Committee Members (2)


  • Education Events (Signature Luncheon/Industry Xchange):
    • Purpose & Objectives: Responsible for sourcing and securing education event venues, planning event logistics, and managing event marketing and registration in collaboration with Education Content Committee, Partner Development Committee, and Marketing Communications Committee, for annual Signature Luncheon program and annual Industry Xchange/GMID program.
    • Create and secure sponsors in collaboration with Partner Development Committee to provide optimal partnership opportunities to our members, suppliers, and vendors.
    • Time Commitment: Monthly committee meetings (60 minutes). Time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.


  • Available Roles: Chair, Co-Chair,
    • Sub-Committee chair -Marketing,
    • Sub-Committee Chair - Sponsorship, Volunteers


  • Education Programs (Summer Education/Holiday Education Program/Winter Education):
    • Purpose & Objectives: Responsible for sourcing and securing education program venues, planning event logistics, and managing event marketing and registration in collaboration with Education Content Committee, Partner Development Committee, Leadership Development Committee, and Marketing Communications Committee, for Summer Education, Holiday Education program, and Winter Education.
    • Create and secure sponsors in collaboration with Partner Development Committee to provide optimal partnership opportunities to our members, suppliers, and vendors.
    • Time Commitment: Monthly committee meeting (60 minutes). Time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.

    Available Roles: Co-Chairs, Committee Members


    Purpose & Objective:  The purpose of Signature Lunch is to offer relevant and appropriate larger education session that will appeal to the majority of MPI-CAC members in an environment that fosters professional development.


    • MPI-CAC Signature Luncheon will feature programming and speakers that will allow attendees to think and grow in new ways, ensuring MPI-CAC members are the best educated and most resourceful industry participants.
    • MPI-CAC Signature Luncheon will offer attendees education focused on innovative industry tools, sound business practices and the latest business trends.
    • MPI-CAC Signature Luncheon will provide attendees with networking opportunities when appropriate.

    Available Roles: Chair, Co-Chair,

  • Sub-Committee chair -Marketing,

  • Sub-Committee Chair - Sponsorship, Volunteers 

  • Committee members


Purpose & Objective: To create a wonderful, engaging experience out on the golf course for MPI-CAC attendees and partners with the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with planners. 

Annual Events:  Golf Classic (May/June) 

Time Commitment: Monthly committee meeting (60 minutes). Time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.

Subcommittees: (4) – Sponsorship; Marketing; Event Execution/Logistics; Silent Auction.



Purpose & Objective: The primary purpose of MPI-CAC’s Holiday Party is to provide meeting and event professionals an opportunity to network with over 300 industry colleagues. MPI-CAC’s Holiday Party is a premier industry event and one that locals and out of town visitors look forward to attending year after year. The secondary purpose of MPI-CAC’s Holiday Party is to raise funds which are allocated to our members in providing membership grants, academic scholarships, professional development scholarships, and more.  As a 501c3, MPI-CAC ensures all funds raised serve to aid its members. 

Annual Events: (1) – Holiday Party (December/January)

Time Commitment: Monthly committee meeting (60 minutes). Time commitment increases the two months leading up to the event date as needed.

Subcommittees: (4) – Sponsorship; Marketing; Event Execution/Logistics; Silent Auction.

Available Roles: Co-Chair, Liaison (2), Vice Chair


Purpose & Objective: The purpose of Industry eXchange is to provide meeting and event professionals with a unique educational experience where industry trends are presented, questioned and illuminated. This is the premier Chicago event that transcends association membership and highlights the comradery of our industry. Attendees of the event will be association, non-profit and corporate planners, third party meeting professionals and various industry suppliers. 

Annual Events: Industry Xchange (April)

Time Commitment: Time commitment expected for this committee is five hours/month including committee meetings and conference calls. Time commitment for the month of the event is 12 hours, including the day of. Ideal committee size is 15 members (all participants must be members in good standing of one of the host organizations). 
Attendance is important. A committee member’s placement will be reviewed with more than one unexcused absence.


  • Available Roles: Chair, Co-Chair,
  • Sub-Committee chair -Marketing,
  • Sub-Committee Chair - Sponsorship, Volunteers

Purpose & Objective: Serve as liaisons to the MPI Chicago Area Chapter event committees, help create and execute the event committee’s marketing plans ensuring all collateral meets the guidelines set forth by the chapter. Manage the chapter’s social media platforms i.e., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube channel; help to increase exposure for chapter events, building brand awareness & loyalty, and grow audience engagement. Produce a monthly e-newsletter, To the Po!nt, providing relevant news and updates about the meeting and events industry. Duties may include researching creative content ideas; creating graphics or video; supporting content strategy, analytics, and audience engagement goals; writing and publishing digital newsletter articles for MPI Chicago Area Chapter’s website; scheduling and managing the chapter’s social media post requests; or guiding committees as they develop their event marketing and communication plans.

Annual Events: None

Time Commitment: Monthly committee meetings (60 minutes). Monthly marketing meetings for committee members to perform subcommittee duties (2-3 hours). Duties may include researching and writing electronic e-newsletter articles, managing the chapter’s social media post requests, or guiding committees as they form their event marketing plans. Co-chair duties based on committee needs and project work (2-3 hours) per month. Duties may include: researching creative content ideas; creating graphics or video; supporting content strategy, analytics, and audience engagement goals; and writing and publishing digital newsletter articles for MPI Chicago Area Chapter’s website; scheduling or managing the chapter’s social media platforms; or guiding committees as they develop their event committee’s marketing and communication plans.

Subcommittees: (4) – Event Marketing Liaisons; Social Media; To the Po!nt

Available Roles:  

Membership Liaison
IDEA Liaison
Ed Programs Liaison (summer / winter knowledge share)
Leadership & Development Liaison
Partnership Development Liaison
Signature Luncheon Liaison
Content Creator

Purpose & Objective: 

Membership will serve as a customer service point to our membership by being an expert on the chapter. The committee has two major components: recruiting new members to grow our chapter and care of current members, helping them to connect within the chapter. 

Key Components for Membership Committee:

Member Recruitment

Member Recruitment Purpose & Objective: Contribute to the overall growth of the chapter's membership. Implement an engagement & recruitment strategy at MPI-CAC functions and select trade shows. Create a welcoming environment where non-members/guests can make connections and learn more about membership and the benefit of joining MPI. The committee will work with the Marketing and Communications committee to initiate a marketing strategy that pro-actively demonstrates the benefits of membership to MPI both chapter members and non-members.

Member Care | Retention

Member Care Purpose & Objective: To engage new members within the chapter by educating them on the benefits of MPI, encouraging  involvement in committees and events, serving as hosts at chapter events and welcoming them to the Chapter through the Ambassador Program. This committee plans and hosts New Member Mixers three times per year. 

Annual Events: (3) New Member Mixers.  The committee serves ambassadors to both new members and non-members at MPI-CAC chapter events.

Time Commitment:  Monthly Meetings (60 minutes), 2-4 hours per month outside of monthly meetings, including month outreach and communication. Attend (3) New Member Mixers per year. Committee members are encouraged to participate in all chapter events.

Available Roles:


Purpose & Objective: To source venues for all MPI-CAC chapter events, and to build & maintain strong partnerships with cash and in-kind sponsors of MPI-CAC through collaboration with management company, marketing/communications and event-specific committees.  Provide committees with a toolkit to use based upon standards of recognition set for all MPI-CAC partnerships. Support the committees by assigning a Partner Development Committee Member Liaison to ensure the standards of recognition are implemented at all chapter events and all chapter sponsors/partners are being well-served with well-managed relationships. 

Annual Events: None

Time Commitment: Monthly Partner Development Committee meetings (30-60 minutes); Monthly event specific committee meetings for Partner Development Committee member liaisons (10-15 minutes).

Subcommittees: None

Available Roles: 

Vice Chair
Liaison (x2)

Purpose & Objective: 

The purpose of MPI-CAC’s Training & Development committee is to provide our Chapter’s current and future leaders with two one-day learning experiences to foster collaboration, provide training, build leadership skills and inspire them to continue on their leadership path. T&D is also responsible for working with each committee to identify and develop future leaders within the chapter. They connect with the co-chairs of each committee quarterly to ensure they have the most updated list of chapter leaders. This committee also recognizes two Spotlight Award recipients per month by voting on those submitted.


Annual Events:  (2) – Two Leadership Day events 

Time Commitment: Mandatory time commitment for this committee is a one hour long committee meeting monthly. In addition members will serve on a sub-committee and will be expected to communicate in order to achieve required tasks.

 Available Roles: Co-Chair, Committee Members

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