August Networking Event
August 20, 2024
Come mingle with fellow members and industry colleagues!
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September Educational Program and Luncheon
September 17, 2024
Join MPI Georgia at the Emory Hotel and Conference Center in September!
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI Georgia Affiliate Membership

Already belong to another chapter of MPI? Become an MPI Georgia Affiliate Member for only $90/year.



Why Join MPI Georgia Chapter in addition to your home chapter?



To be the most highly regarded and innovative meeting industry association in the Southeast providing leading education and connecting people through the value of partnerships



The benefits of joining MPI Georgia are numerous. The commitment and dedication of our members have greatly contributed to the growth and development of the industry as we know it today. MPI Georgia's commitment to excellence is exemplified by providing you the opportunity to experience firsthand, innovations in meeting design, delivery, education and professional development through:

  •     Educational Programs
  •     CMP Study Group/Certification
  •     Monthly Electronic Newsletter - ReConnect
  •     MPI Georgia Website
  •     MPI Georgia Career Center
  •     Online MPI Georgia Membership Directory
  •     Leadership Opportunities
  •     Member Awards and Recognition
  •     Mentorship Relationships
  •     Networking Functions
  •     Quarterly Membership Orientation
  •     Annual Fall Classic Golf and Bocce Tournament
  •     Community Involvement Opportunities
  •     Professional Administrative Office
  •     Sponsorship Opportunities
  •     Discounted advertising rates for MPI Georgia Website, ReConnect


Personal/Career Growth

MPI Georgia offers a wealth of opportunities for members to enhance personal and professional knowledge and experience. Our wide range of committees offer opportunities to refine skills and learn new ones. Opportunities exist in the areas of:

  • Membership - Retention, Recruiting, Mentoring, Community Outreach, Member Recognition
  • Communications - Public Relations, Web-site, ReConnect electronic newsletter, Membership Directory, Community Outreach
  • Education - Curriculum Development, Speaker Coaching, Meeting Logistics, Site Selection, Conference Management, Menu Planning, BEO Review
  • Finance and Administrative - Sponsorship, Fundraising, Budgeting 
  • Strategic Events - Fall Classic Golf Tournament, The Spring Summit, and The Phoenix Awards, Site Selection, Conference Management, Contract Negotiations, Event Logistics, Entertainment, Menu Selection, BEO Review

The more you get involved, the more you will get from MPI Georgia! Join MPI Georgia Today... Your Link to the Future!


Already belong to another chapter of MPI? Click here for an online application to become an Affiliate Member for only $90/year.

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