Phoenix Awards
November 8, 2024
We can't wait to celebrate our amazing chapter with you all on Friday, November 8.
Register and Nominate a Member Today

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



RFP Opportunities

Occasionally MPI Georgia has opportunities for members to submit RFPs. Those RFPs, along with the necessary contact details and deadlines, will be listed here as they become available. If you have any questions regarding the opportunities listed here, please contact

MPI Georgia - Educational Program & Luncheon Venue

MPI Georgia - Educational Program Venue

Host Facility Benefits for Sponsoring an MPI Georgia Educational Luncheon:

As facility host venue, you will be entitled to the following to showcase your property:

  • Recognized as our venue and event host, allowing a 5-minute announcement during the luncheon.
  • Display promotional materials with Exhibit table at the event.
  • As host venue, you are invited to include up to three (3) of your staff and clients to be present during the program. It will be necessary for you to email the names of your “guests” to prior to the cut off date. Name badges will be provided for these individuals, We will include this additional number in our final guarantee to your catering contact,  however, these additional participants should not be included in the final invoice to MPI Georgia.

2022-23 Educational Program and Luncheon RFP

If you are interested, contact the Chapter Administrator at

MPI Georgia - Board Retreat

Mid-Year Board Retreat

Timeframe: Fall (November/December) annually

Expected Total Event Attendance: 20

Statement of Need: For this RFP, our group seeks a comfortable venue, which will provide complimentary sleeping rooms, meeting space, and food and beverage to showcase their properties. The meeting pattern is flexible as the group is aware of peak nights and available use. Meeting space requirements are classroom, standard AV (power, screen, projector, Internet connection). F/B typically includes continental breakfast, lunch - buffet or boxed, snacks and water/coffee service. The group typically meets 1-1/2 days but the pattern can vary based on the venue availability.

Location Requirements: Driving distance from Atlanta.

Annual Board Retreat

Timeframe: Spring (May/June) annually

Expected Total Event Attendance: 18-22

If you are interested, contact the Chapter Administrator at

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Job Postings