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August 2022 - Kristin Leavoy

By: Ginger Garner, CMP | Aug 9, 2022

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Kristin Leavoy
Vice President
MD Publishing
Member since January 2022



The Georgia Chapter of MPI welcomes member Kristin Leavoy, Vice President at MD Publishing, Inc. Kristin came to us through her connection with Jennifer Holt, CMP, the Regional Sales Manager at Caesars Entertainment National Meetings & Events. Kristin manages the Georgia office of MD Publishing and helps to attain the goals set for the company's long-term growth. She is also the event coordinator for the four annual conferences and tradeshows MD Publishing hosts. In fact, this company was Kristin's first entry into the meeting industry. "My first job in the meeting industry happens to be my current job. I've been with MD Publishing for 20 years and helped launch our first conference in 2002. It was an incredible experience to create an event from scratch and see how it has grown and developed over the past 20 years." Kristin's current and coolest thing she is working on now is supporting the Georgia Council of Registered Nurses in hosting their annual meeting. "It is so great to see the dedication of the attendees in ensuring this event is a success."

If Kristin were to switch places with someone for a day, she would choose Oprah Winfrey, a "badass businesswoman." But Kristin has her own best practices for success, including putting customer service first and foremost, followed by attention to detail and organization. "Oh, and Post-Its. I couldn't survive without Post-Its." She also values a word of advice from John Krieg, MD Publishing Founder, who said, "they can't hate you when you're hugging them." It is "a reminder that mistakes happen in business, but a customer will almost always be forgiving if you counter the mistake with acts of kindness and appreciation."



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Ginger Garner, CMP
West Palm Beach

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