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Member Showcase - CMP Spotlight - March 2023

By: Connie Bergeron, CMP, CMP Fellow | Mar 7, 2023


Cherie Neal CMP Headshot 2    

Cherie Neal, CMP
Project Manager / Corporate & North America Event Manager
CWT / The Coca-Cola Company


Can you share what motivated you to pursue the CMP designation?

After hosting events in the entertainment industry, I knew I wanted to continue my work in events as a professional. So when I learned there was a formal designation for meetings and events, I recall being so excited and highly motivated to achieve the requirements to qualify for the exam. My goal was to become an expert, and the CMP was the designation needed to certify my knowledge, skills, and commitment to the industry.

How did participation in the CMP Study Group support your studying to take the exam?

Participation in the CMP Study Group was the only reason I passed the exam on the first try. Connie Bergeron, CMP., and the group study sessions were critical to my success. Eleven years later, I still meet with my study group members - as we all passed on the first try!

How did you feel when you saw the words "You Passed"? 

The tears came, and at that moment, I could say I was a legitimate meetings and event professional. In addition, I felt an immense amount of pride and accomplishment in earning my CMP designation.

What benefits have you experienced as a result of having your CMP?

Professional legitimacy.

Better professional visibility.

Increased compensation.

Increased employment opportunities.

Better employment opportunities.

An ever-growing professional network.

Do you find the information you learned while studying to take the exam helpful in your positions since earning your CMP, and are you able to use some of the formulas, etc., to help your meetings go well?

Yes! While the industry has evolved, I've continued to rely on my MPI membership, and the information learned during CMP exam preparation to remain relevant and bring best practices to my meetings and events.

Reflecting on the time since you achieved the CMP designation, was it a good use of your time and resources to take that step?

Hands down, earning the CMP designation transformed my career. It was the best decision I've made professionally.

Advance your career by partaking in the CMP Study Group. More information can be found here. 



Connie Bergeron CMP Headshot 2
Connie Bergeron, CMP, CMP Fellow

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