2025 MPIRMC Board of Directors Slate

The following slate of officers is elected by the Chapter Board of Directors.
see more here...

August Educational Program + MPI After 5
August 15, 2024
Human Trafficking in the Meetings Industry
more information and registration

Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Volunteer Interest

Are you looking for ways to improve or increase your leadership skills either for your current position or the one you aspire to? Do you have a desire to make a positive difference in your industry and community?

The Meeting Professionals International Rocky Mountain Chapter (MPIRMC) has several ways for you to learn new skills, meet new people and expand both your personal and professional networks.

Opportunities include:

  • Serving on a committee
  • Helping with a special project or task force – could be one time commitment, or ongoing
  • Chairing or co-chairing a committee
  • Serving on the Board of Directors

Fill out the online form below.


Tell Us About You





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Tell us about yourself:

Monthly time commitment you desire:




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Tell Us About Your Interests

Please check the areas you are interested in learning more about below and our Leadership Development Team will contact you.


Obtaining Sponsorships and/or Logistics Planning for:



Select a choice



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You're all done. Just hit submit and we will be in touch with you as soon as we receive this form. We look forward to welcoming you into the MPIRMC Volunteer family.

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