April 2025 Education and Networking Program
April 16, 2025 - April 17, 2025
Join us at the Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center
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Top Performing Chapter Award



Meetings Industry Certifications and Certificate Programs

The MPI-VA Chapter is here to support you in your professional development and certification endeavors.

Please find information below on industry certifications, certificate programs, study materials, support and additional resources. 

CMP Overview



The CMP exam was developed and is maintained by meeting professionals from all over the world who volunteer their time to ensure that the program reflects the best practices in the meeting management field.  More than 10,000 meeting professionals in 46 countries around the globe hold the CMP designation. This unique community represents every sector of the industry—from corporations and associations to government and institutional organizations.

CMP Support/Resources

CMP Prep Course

MPI Virginia Chapter partners with MPI Potomac Chapter which offers an on-demand CMP Prep Course. Learn more about the CMP Prep Course presented by MPI Potomac Chapter here

Tracking CEUs/Clock Hours

CIC is proud to announce their new CMP online application and submission process. With this new application process, you are no longer tied to specific application, registration or scheduling deadlines. You can use their online account system to track your continuing education activities and much more!  Learn More

CMP Pocket Prep App

Pocket Prep is a powerful exam simulator that allows you to create customized practice tests, view your results, and get detailed answer rationales with just a few taps. Set up study reminders, countdown to your upcoming exam, and test your understanding of professional meeting management like never before. No matter where you are, you can fire Pocket Prep up to keep your mind focused and sharp.  Learn More

MPI-VA Chapter CMP Mentor Hotline

You are not alone!  Reach out to one of our seasoned CMP members who will be happy to answer questions, review your application, and provide study tips or just encouragement! 

The following members have agreed to be CMP Mentors and are happy to hear from you at any time.  

Ariel Cole, CMP

HMCC Overview


Planning healthcare and pharmaceutical meetings is complex work, where any number of crucial components could slip through the cracks. Planners and suppliers equally must balance multiple aspects: event design, navigating frequent changes in global compliance and regulations, and delivering ROI to their companies, attendees and destinations.

All this begs the question: Are your healthcare meetings compliant?

Designed for medical meeting professionals and the partners they work with, MPI’s Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate offers a broad understanding of regulatory topics, laying competency groundwork upon which critical thinking skills are developed, through case studies, business simulation, discussion and active exercises. This intensive, four-hour program provides healthcare meeting compliance stakeholders with the knowledge and experience they need to successfully navigate the increasingly complex pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device regulatory environment.

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CMM Overview



The meetings and event industry is rapidly changing. No longer are we tied to only the practical or application-based modes of executing our craft, rather, more and more meeting professionals are taking a front seat in leading and growing their organizations through the power of meetings and events.

By engaging in the CMM program, you will learn how to assert yourself as a dynamic and credentialed professional through our three-pronged educational approach, which focuses on, Business Management, Leadership, and Meeting Management.

Look below at the courses associated with both the immersion week and beyond as it relates to each of these competencies. Want to take a deeper dive? Check out our course descriptions to find out more about the in-depth content that will inspire your next career move here. 

Business Management

Understand the fundamentals of business to elevate your professional skillset. 

  • Formulating & Solving Problems
  • The Influential Communicator
  • Negotiation & Managing Conflict



Learn the foundational components of leadership to transform your stakeholder relationships.

  • Examining Current Challenges
  • Leadership that Inspires High Performance
  • Leader as Coach
  • Managing Change 


Meeting Management

Apply industry best practices to ensure your business, goals, and strategy are relevant to the marketplace.

  • Design Thinking
  • Sustainability
  • Current Topics/Events 

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