Signature Luncheon 2024
November 26, 2024
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MPI-CAC Membership Committee makes plans to connect digitally

By: Heather Warthen, H1 Marketing & Events | Jun 16, 2020


With restrictions still in place for the number of attendees for in-person meetings, MPI Chicago Area Chapter’s Membership Committee has been planning out ways for members to meet, network and have fun digitally.

Membership Mondays began June 15 and will be held twice a month. The first one featured

a craft cocktail experience where founder Jay Fuller of CraftYours and his team will showed participants how to create an Old Fashioned using ingredients and tools they already had at home.

“Members will get to reunite and/or meet with current members while having the opportunity to experience new virtual offerings that can double as event activations,” said Emily Yao, Director of Member Recruitment. “These events are designed to bring a sense of community and a safe space for our members, and to encourage conversations – both personal and professional – to continue!”

The next Membership Monday will take place from 4-5 p.m. Monday, June 29, and will feature a virtual trivia and scavenger hunt with member Linda Whitlock and Corporate Event Interactive iQuiz.

For new members, who usually would be invited to in-person New Member Mixers, the Membership Committee is offering New Member Coffee Talks every Friday.

“The Member Care committee created these talks as a way to connect with the new members during the lockdown,” said Sara Broderick, Director of Member Care. “The goal is to meet other new members, learn about MPI CAC and find out how to get engaged in MPI by joining a committee.”

The talks take place via Zoom at 10 a.m. every Friday. For more information, click here.


About the Author: After 15 years in the media industry as the former chief events officer and chief marketing officer for 22nd Century Media, Heather Warthen is now CEO and Founder of H1 Marketing & Events, which offers event planning, marketing, social media and photography for small businesses in the Chicago area. She serves on the 2019-2020 MPI-CAC Board of Directors as Director Marketing & Public Relations.




Heather Warthen, H1 Marketing & Events
H1 Marketing & Events

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