February 2025 MIX Event
February 20, 2025 - February 20, 2025
Join MPI Tennessee for our February MIX Event at Friends in Low Places!
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2025 Connect Conference
March 18, 2025 - March 19, 2025
Let's Build: Our Network, Our Education, and Our Future
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



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Be a part of MPI Tennessee's member-focused Mentorship Program

To provide an environment and opportunity for personal development, professional growth, and relationship building between new and experienced members. 

This program is designed to benefit both mentees and mentors alike by cultivating relationships that help individuals grow their career.  As referenced in a recent Forbes article, mentoring relationships can “push your career to a new height” and can “deliver a rewarding and potentially life-changing experience for both the mentor and the mentee.”  Effective mentoring happens when both the mentor and mentee assume responsibility for making the relationship work.

Thank you to our Mentorship Program Sponsor

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  1. Gain knowledge on topics that will increase your skills and business value 
  2. Establish a relationship and open line of communication with an industry expert 
  3. Receive discounts to MPI monthly events for the 4-month duration of the program
  4. Grow your network by developing relationships with everyone involved in the 
    mentorship program 


  1. Gives opportunity to support and guide the next generation of industry professionals
  2. Increase your leadership skills and self-awareness while sharing your passion
    for the meeting industry 
  3. Strengthen your network by developing relationships with everyone involved in
    the mentorship program 

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Mentorship Topics (Choose one per 4 month session) 

  • Industry Experience - Techniques for problem-solving, overcoming obstacles, event execution stories, strategic thinking, career challenges, and successes 
  • Personal and Professional Growth - work/life balance, confidence, effective communication, leadership, emotional stability, understanding strengths and weaknesses
  • Maximizing your MPI membership - Learn the benefits of your MPI membership, tips for navigating the website, membership directory, and the value of volunteering 
  • Networking Skills - Building rapport, breaking through the awkward barrier at events, importance of being authentic, listening skills, and focus on other’s needs/ interests
  • Successful Leadership - Understand leadership qualities and how to put them into practice, leading and developing others, active listening skills, build stronger connections, getting buy-in


  • Time Commitment: 3 hours per month
  • Attend a one-hour meeting (virtually or in-person) twice a month with your mentee/mentor
  • Participate in a monthly virtual happy-hour with fellow mentorship program participants to discuss individual interactions and learnings, share stories, and strengthen industry relationships and engagement. 


The program costs have been covered by the generous support from our sponsor, Event Logistics, Inc.

For questions regarding the program please contact Cindy Tipler or Beci Ruzek

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