August Chapter Program - Event Logistics
August 15, 2024
Bars & Rec, Pabst Best Place, The Brewhouse Inn & Suites Milwaukee, WI
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2024 Chapter Awards Gala - Registration Open!
September 26, 2024
Heidel House Hotel & Conference Center - Green Lake, WI
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Why Meet Now?

Attendee Care and Conduct



Why Meet Now?

We feel it is our responsibility to lead during this time and show how to safely hold a hybrid and in person event.   We will approach this program very openly and share our learnings so we have tools to to safely execute events moving forward.

We will follow state, county and local government mandates.  Currently agencies are allowing events of our size in this area. In addition to mandates, we will be following CDC guidelines. 

Attendee Care and Conduct

MPI Wisconsin is not the first live conference happening during this pandemic.  We are following best practices of other conferences and event hosts to develop rules and requirements to meet responsibly.

We will, to the best of our ability, maintain a distance of 6 ft between attendees.  We will also enforce the importance of wearing masks. 

The following are reminders of how we will safely execute our events:

  • Room Set with traffic flow and designated entrances and exits will allow appropriate distancing. 
  • Seating four per 8' round for Trivia Night and Education Day
  • Attendees will maintain their same seat throughout the event.
  • Hand sanitizer stations provided.
  • Chairs and linens refreshed overnight between Trivia Night and Education Day.

Registrants are required to acknowledge and agree to our Attendee Code of Conduct to register for the event. 

Attendee will:

  • Provide and wear your own mask.
  • Abide by all social distancing requirements and requirements of our host properties.
  • Self-monitor for symptoms of illness prior to arrival and throughout the day.  Attendees with symptoms of fever or respiratory illness should not attend and request cancellation.
  • Attendees living in a household where a member or other close contact tested positive for COVID-19 should not attend and request refund.
  • Be considerate of their own health and the health of those around them.  Others may wish to be more cautious than you.  Respect them and understand we all want to keep our families and ourselves healthy.
  • Refrain from handshakes, the exchange of business cards and this is the tough one… hugs.
  • Practice proper respiratory etiquette:
    • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
    • Throw used tissues in the trash
    • If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into elbow, not hand
    • Wash hands (20 second rule) and use sanitizing stations often

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