Beyond the Busy; Self-Talk in Self-Leadership
October 9, 2024
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Beyond the Busy; Self-Talk in Self-Leadership
October 9, 2024
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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



MPI Cares 

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Per our Principles of Professionalism, MPI is committed to providing safe, harassment-free environments, where open dialogue, ethical behavior and constructive communication are encouraged.


If a member observes and/or experiences unprofessional behavior, he or she is encouraged to report it via the MPI Cares Hotline, which is hosted by third-party provider, EthicsPoint. If preferred, members can click here to submit reports anonymously.

Additionally, the MPI Cares Hotline can be utilized to seek guidance and/or clarity related to MPI’s policies and procedures, as well as for providing suggestions, positive feedback and member testimonials or stories. MPI guarantees that all comments will be reviewed.


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