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Putting the Environment First: How Do Virtual Events Affect the Environment?

By: Leah Weselowski | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter | Apr 21, 2021

Template - Graphic - MPI Blog Socials - EARTH DAY

Here are some tips to consider when planning your next virtual event, according to Julia Spangler, owner of Ecosystem Events. 

We have all become way too familiar with the virtual world since the beginning of 2020. Between cancelled events, flights and hotel room blocks, the question often overlooked is what is the environmental impact from all of these changes?


On April 22 we will come together to celebrate Earth Day; an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. From simple actions of cleaning up neighbourhoods, planting trees, to using more eco-friendly products, make earth day special and let’s celebrate virtually together until we can meet again face-to-face!

garbage cropped

Until that day happens, we will continue planning and executing virtual events. Here are some tips to consider when planning your next virtual event:

  • Avoid purchasing new hardware and equipment – Keep the devices you own longer and upgrade less often.
  • Encourage attendees to use smaller devices and screens – This will reduce the amount of energy consumption used.
  • Shipments – Make all shipped gifts optional, asking attendees before sending. Think about purchasing carbon offsets for the shipping footprint.
  • Decrease the file size of your graphics transmitting – Larger files consume more energy.
  • Start working together – there are many great resources available. Start having discussions with people to make those changes in your events.
  • Ask questions to vet the location (virtual or in person) – How does the location get its power?

If you would like to read more of how virtual events affect the environment, you can read more here


When it’s time to meet face-to-face again, don’t be afraid to keep green top of mind.

  • Work with your suppliers to make sure they have the same green practices you are committed to.
  • Track your carbon footprint and look for ways to reduce/offset.

Whatever stage you are at, keep moving forward and have those conversations with both your organization and family. Although Earth Day happens once a year, it should be every day of the year!

About the Author
Leah W
Leah Weselowski
International Federation of Accountants





Leah W
Leah Weselowski | Published by MPI Toronto Chapter

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