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The Way Forward: A Courageous Conversation About Racism

February 10, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
MPI Toronto Chapter

Date: February 10, 2021
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST 

In 2020 humanity witnessed historic world events which brought about a new level of consciousness around important issues such as race-relations, reconciliation, and the dire need for a more inclusive world for all.

On February 10th 2021, the MPI Toronto Chapter Professional Development Committee & the Diversity & Inclusion Taskforce members are proud to welcome industry professionals who will be tackling topics which are top-of-mind for event professionals everywhere who are looking to create inviting & inclusive environments for their meeting & event attendees.

During this 90-minute webinar you will learn about:

  • Racism
  • Cultural Appropriation
  • Allyship
  • The way forward – a courageous conversation Q&A

Registration Fees by February 5

Members*: $25+HST
Non-Members: $60+HST
Student Members*: $10+HST
Student Non-Members: $20+HST

Registration Fees after February 5

Members*: $35+HST
Non-Members: $70+HST
Student Members*: $15+HST
Student Non-members: $25+HST

*Since MPI membership is individual, only the individual member is eligible for the member rate. No Shows, Full fee.


Tuesday Johnson-MacDonald HeadshotTuesday Johnson-MacDonald, CMP, CMM
Founder, President and Lead Project Manager of TAP Resources
LinkedIN Profile

diane longboatDiane Longboat, Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation, Six Nations Grand River Territory, BA, BEd., MEd.
LinkedIN Profile

Karen AristideKareen Aristide, Personal Development and Mental Health Specialist, B.A. (Hons).
Founder of Kareen Aristide Enterprises Inc., And the “She Did It” Movement

LinkedIn Profile

Mena BhavsarMC & Host
Mena Bhavsar, CMP, DES & Professional Development Committee Member
LinkedIN Profile

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