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Upcoming MPI Toronto Events

MPI Toronto Chapter Education Event

November 2, 2023
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
MPI Toronto Chapter


Join us at the Pantages Hotel Toronto on November 2nd for a Professional Development event that is focused on helping you hold more responsible events and lessen the impact to our climate, attendees, and the world around us.  The afternoon will touch on CSR, Sustainability and Accessibility and will provide you with takeaways and ideas to improve the way that you plan your events.

  • 1:30-2:00 Registration
  • 2:00-3:00 CSR Group Activity – Whole Hearted
  • 3:05-3:35 Venue Sustainability
  • 3:05-3:35 Accessibility Using Technology Tools
  • 3:35-4:00 Networking Break with refreshments & snacks
  • 4:00-5:00 Idea Sharing- A moderated session for sharing best practices and experiences.

Opening Session- CSR Group Activity- Whole Hearted:

The MPI Toronto Chapter will be putting our mission into action by bridging the gap between donations and engagement. Attendees will participate in a hands-on experience that builds connections. Whole Hearted has created a custom experience that brings people together through a meaningful activity around a great cause, fostering deeper relationships among attendees and within local communities. Taking part reminds us all of how much power there is when compassionate minds come together with one common goal - making a difference!

Workshop - Venue Sustainability - Romina Kwong, Eco- Friendly Events

We will learn how to evaluate a venue when choosing from scratch or when it’s already been selected and the actions you can take to reduce the environmental impact of your event.  We will apply a couple of strategies to demonstrate in this session what we did to reduce the environmental impact of the venue we chose for this PD event. In terms of areas of focus would eliminating or reducing single-use items or food waste be feasible from your planning perspective?

Workshop- Accessibility using Technology Tools- Bettyanne Sherrer, Canplan Events & Rob Duncan, AV-CANADA

Bettyanne and Rob will share with us the various technology tools that can be implemented at your events to make it more accessible for those who may be sight or hearing impaired.  Having recently worked on an International World Conference for the Deafblind network, they will share his challenges and success on making this event more accessible to its attendees of all capabilities.

Closing Session - Idea Sharing

Who better to learn from than each other.  This will be a moderated session that will help us share our experiences in making the world a better place through the events that we plan and/or attend.  We will also use this time to help solve any challenges that you are facing at your events to ensure that it is more than just the delivery of the content that our events provide to attendees.

Early registration rates are valid until October 27th so register now to beat the late fee.


Registration Fees before October 27

  • Member: $85+HST
  • Non-Member: $105+HST
  • Student: $45+HST

Registration Fees after October 27

  • Member: $105+HST
  • Non-Member: $125+HST
  • Student: $55+HST


Pantages Hotel Toronto
200 Victoria St
Toronto, ON  M5B 1V8



Pantages Hotel Toronto

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Venue Details

Pantages Hotel Toronto


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