2025 Chapter Program and Event Calendar!

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February 27, 2025
Amazing Program at Delafield Hotel - Wednesday Reception at Red Circle Inn!
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Chapter Education and Networking


Addressing Those "Uh-Oh" Situations in Your Contracts 

The Lawyer is In - Hot Topics and Your Questions

Tyra Warner, PhD, JD, CMP - Chair of the Department of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culinary Arts, College of Coastal Carolina

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center

Hilton Madison

Madison, WI



Tyra Warner, PhD, JD, CMP



To say meetings and events, along with their contracts, have changed over the last couple years would be an understatement.   Just when you think you have it all covered, something you didn't anticipate threatens to derail everything.  

Join us on Thursday, March 7th at the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI for our March MPI-WI Chapter Meeting to hear from event legal expert and attorney Tyra Warner.  Tyra is the Chair of the Department of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culinary Arts at the College of Coastal Georgia and will share two sessions you don't want to miss.

Addressing Those “Uh-oh” Situations in Your Contracts and The Lawyer is In will address real issues, provide real scenarios to work through, and offer you the opportunity to get free legal advice!

The beautiful Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center along with the Hilton Madison will be our hosts.  Come see these beautiful venues and some of the updates since your last visit!

Arrive early and find out the inner workings on how to get your CMP with our CMP 101 program facilitated by MPI-WI Past President, Naomi Tucker, CMP, Founder of Planners on Purpose.






Thursday, March 7, 2024

— AM —  
9:00 - 11:00 

Board of Directors

Rooms K,L,O,P

10:30 - 11:30

 CMP 101Dane Room
11:30 Registration 
— PM —  
12:00 - 1:00 

Lunch and Networking

Community Terrace
1:00 - 4:00 

Announcements and Program

Addressing Those "Uh-Oh" Situations in Your Contracts
The Lawyer is In - Hot Topics and Your Questions
Tyra Warner

Hall of Ideas: E-J
4:00 - 4:45 

Reception and Raffle

    Community Terrace
    4:45  Happy HourHilton Madison


    Event Pricing



    Member:$60 ($75 after 3/1/2024) 
    Non-Member:$95 ($115 after 3/1/2024) 
    Student Member:  $35 ($40 after 3/1/2024) 


    Pay it Forward Rate:  $0 - Available for registration to any current member that is currently "in between gigs" and without industry employment.  Please contact the chapter office to request this rate.

    Conversations that Connect
    Navigating Challenging Conversations

    Addressing Those “Uh-oh” Situations in Your Contracts

    Everything is going along swimmingly with your meeting until, “uh-oh,” something you didn’t anticipate threatens to disrupt or derail it.  Using scenarios that address real issues like construction and remodeling, dishonored reservations, conflicting groups, drone photography, and more, we’ll discuss what you should have in your contracts to prevent the issue from occurring or mitigate the damage if it does occur.  Groups will have a chance to review scenarios and discuss in small groups before sharing solutions.
    • Develop clauses to help address the myriad of “uh-oh’s” that might blindside you.
    • Help the hotel help you in terms of determining what kinds of groups might be conflicting and what to do  about it if they are booked over your dates.
    • Apply force majeure language to a variety of situations to determine when it applies.

    The Lawyer is In

    Have a legal question about meetings or events?  Like Lucy in the Peanuts, the lawyer is (real) in!  This session is all about you and the legal issues you have always wanted to ask about but that never seem to be brought up in legal sessions.  A completely interactive session, attendees will be given a list of possible legal issues to discuss in small groups—contract issues, Americans with Disabilities Act, alcohol liability, etc.  Each group will come up with three questions to ask, from the list or from their experience.  It’s like getting free legal advice on real issues (only with a waiver that no client privilege attaches to our discussions). 
    • Discuss current real-world legal issues from the perspectives of planners, suppliers, and a lawyer.
    • Apply legal analysis to legal issues such as negligence liability or indemnification.
    • Explain legal issues to decision-makers using the law behind the issue to back you up.

    Speaker Bio: Tyra Warner, PhD, JD, CMP 

    Tyra is the Chair of the Department of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culinary Arts at the College of Coastal Georgia.  Her practice and research expertise are in the legal, safety, and security issues that affect meetings and events.

    If her name sounds familiar to you, you may have seen her interviewed in a meetings industry article on contracts, heard her speak at an industry conference, or you may have her confused with Tyra Banks. Actively involved with meetings industry associations for years, Tyra was recently named one of the 50 Most Influential People in the Meetings Industry by Meeting Professionals International.

    Tyra is one of only two people in the world who has a law degree, a PhD in Hospitality, and has earned the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) designation.  


    Location, Map & Lodging

    Event Location:

    Monona Terrace Convention Center
    One John Nolen Drive

    Madison, WI


    Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
    9 E Wilson Street
    Madison, WI

    Room Rate:   $129

    Room block Cut-Off: 02/28/2024


    Phone: 800-445-8667  Group Code:  91E

    Online:  Reservation Link  




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