Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Mentorship Program

The original idea to create a Mentor Program for the MPI Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter came from Fred H. Knieberg, CMP. Knieberg dedicated the last few years of his life to creating a successful program designed to provide growth for experienced professionals within the chapter in the development of other members. 


To honor his work, the chapter created the MPI Dallas/Fort Worth Mentorship Program (the Program), founded on the idea that finding good mentors in the meetings & events industry should not happen by accident, but on purpose.

The mentorship program is open and now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 term. 

Please fill out our  mentor application or  mentee application form if you are interested in joining the program.

Benefits to the Mentee

  • Real world insight
  • Exposure to new ideas, perspectives, learning experience and resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Receive assistance with long-term career planning and direction

Benefits to Mentor

  • Exposure to new ideas and perspectives
  • Enhancement of leadership and coaching skills
  • Develop and retain talent in your organization.
  • Creating a legacy
“As a mentee I am given the opportunity to once a month reach into the mind and experiences of my mentor. As I was new in my role and in the city my mentor enriched me in her knowledge of balance, and when the time came, shared ways I can shine for my new boss. My mentor also pushed me to think on the things I could obtain in my current role and how to approach conflict within the workplace. I am grateful for this opportunity!” 

– Abigail Montanez, Mentee

“Being part of MPI Dallas/Fort Worth’s Mentor/Mentee program has been an extremely rewarding experience. As a mentor, I have been honored to be able to exchange thoughts and collaborate with my mentee. We’ve talked about everything from meeting planning, to our individual industries, to our families. I have been able to provide guidance when she has needed it. I have also learned much from her. This experience has given me the opportunity to pay it forward. I’ve had great mentors before; and now that I serve as a mentor, I appreciate even more the time and assistance others have provided me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to give back and impact someone else in return.” 

– Corina Balsells, CMP, CMM, Mentor

Download the Mentor Playbook for more information on the program.

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