Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Volunteer - MPI Dallas/Fort Worth Committees

Call For MPI Dallas/Fort Worth
Committee Chairs and Volunteers



Interest Forms are now being accepted for MPI Dallas/Fort Worth Committee Chairs and Volunteers. If you are interested in giving your time, talents, and energy to MPI Dallas/Fort Worth, now is the time to express an interest to serve on the chapter’s committees. Submit your interest form to immedpastpresident@mpidfw.org. See below link to access the form and committee descriptions.

Any Premier or Preferred member in good standing, whose primary affiliation is with the Dallas/Fort Worth chapter, is eligible to be a chapter volunteer.

Recommendations to serve as a committee chair or co-chair:

  • Previously served on committee
  • Desire to lead other volunteers to accomplish objectives of committee

Recommendations to serve as a committee volunteer:

  • Desire to become involved and grow the chapter

Benefits of serving on a committee:

  • Recognition as a volunteer in one of the largest MPI chapters
  • Increased exposure for you and your company
  • Level of networking with other members
  • Ability to directly impact the industry and local community
  • Continued development of your leadership skills, with potential for strengthening career opportunities

If you believe you will add strength, and contribute to the continued success of our chapter, please submit your interest form by the deadline. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please send an email to immedpastpresident@mpidfw.org Note: The form is only to identify your interest to serve and is not a confirmation or guarantee the position.



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