Making Meeting Planners Lives Easier
By J.R. Spiess, President & CEO of The 180 Group, Inc.
The event producers at The 180 Group play a crucial role in the success of the events they service, whether it's a corporate meeting, public event, or creative project. We are often responsible for managing all aspects of the event production, including event theme and visual design, experience design, general session design, vendor coordination, presentation coaching, breakout support, and more. But for our efforts to be appreciated, we absolutely rely on our meeting planner partnerships. Meeting planners are often tasked with coordinating all the details related to the attendees and venue, such as venue selection, registrations, accommodations, travel arrangements, food and beverage, room selection, and much, MUCH, more. This is why we place such an emphasis on one of our key pillars as a company, making life easier and more rewarding for our meeting planner partners.
The 180 Group’s event producers achieve this by:
Simplify the planning process. One of the most significant stressors for meeting planners is having to juggle multiple details and vendors. By simplifying the planning process, our event producers reduce this stress. For example, we provide a single point of contact for meeting planners to communicate with, in order to streamline communication and logistics.
Offering creative solutions. Meeting planners are always looking for new and creative ways to engage attendees, and our event producers can help by offering innovative solutions. This could be as simple as using technology to create interactive presentations or providing unique networking opportunities. By offering creative solutions, we help planners to look good in front of their stakeholders while also making the planning process more enjoyable for everyone involved.
Providing comprehensive support. Meeting planners often feel like they are working alone, and sometimes struggle to find all of the resources they need. The 180 Group’s event producers provide comprehensive support, including access to a bevy of industry resources, best practices, and experience. We become an extension of the meeting planner’s team, becoming a shoulder to lean on, which in turn reduces stress levels.
Building a strong relationship. A strong working relationship between our event producers and meeting planners is essential for creating a successful event. Our event producers build this relationship by listening to the needs and concerns of the meeting planner, being highly responsive, and providing clear and consistent communication. We do the relationship work to ensure meeting planners feel supported and valued.
Making it fun. Ultimately, events should be enjoyable for everyone involved, including everyone in the planning process. The 180 Group’s event producers help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere by being their entire human selves, coming to meetings fully prepared, and adapting when things ultimately change. We think of our connections with planning teams as a true partnership. And that relationship becomes so much more candid, clear, trusting, and enjoyable when we are having fun!
With that, The 180 Group’s event producers play a critical role in making meeting planners' jobs easier and more enjoyable. It is at the core of what we do. By simplifying the planning process, offering creative solutions, providing comprehensive support, building strong relationships, and making the planning of events fun, our event producers create successful and stress-free events for all involved.
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