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Meaningful Connections, Expanding Skills, and Gaining Opportunities: MPI PHL Volunteers Share What Volunteering Means to Them


By: MPI Philadelphia Area Chapter | Aug 3, 2021

The reasons why members volunteer with the Meeting Professionals International Philadelphia Area Chapter are personal to one’s professional goals. Some members want to enhance the skills they already have, others want to learn new skills to build their resume. Volunteering allows members to deepen relationships with industry colleagues, give back to the industry, and so much more. All of these reasons lead to new opportunities for growth, including, but not limited to, employment. See how some MPI PHL volunteers are making the most of their membership.

“I volunteer with MPI to stay involved in the chapter and connected to other members. I truly feel volunteering gets the most out of your membership as well. Volunteering allows you to be part of something bigger in order to make change or a difference in the chapter or community. I love it!” 

 Rebecca Donahue, CMP; Membership Retention Director
Director Of Conference Services at The Westin Philadelphia

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Adrienne Fehringer, Rebecca Donahue, CMP, and other MPI PHL volunteers paying it forward at MANNA.

"I really enjoy volunteering with the MPI Cares Team. They partner with amazing local nonprofits to give back to our community. I also love that we get to network with like-minded members in the process. We're always meeting fun and interesting people!"

Adrienne Fehringer; CARES Chair
Complex Senior Sales Manager at the
The Rittenhouse Philadelphia and The Westin Philadelphia

“After years of being just a member, I recently decided to get more involved and become a volunteer within our chapter. It’s already been a valuable experience, in which I’ve made new contacts and am expanding my knowledge in areas that I don’t regularly explore. Our chapter is filled with incredible leaders and being involved allows me the chance to learn from everyone’s knowledge.”

 Scott Higgins, HMCC; Social Media Chair
Director of Sales at the Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board

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Rachel Dailey, Scott Higgins, HMCC, and others from the Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board at Education Institute

“I love volunteering with MPI because it’s a great way to make connections with other members outside of MPI events. It’s also always a great learning experience!”

Rachel Dailey, Education Institute Committee
Sports & Events Manager at the Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board

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Anne M. Madden, CMP, HMCC accepting the Chapter Leader of the Year Award in 2019

“I enjoy volunteering because I feel that I am giving back. In return, I have met so many wonderful people who have become friends through volunteering and networking. It’s also a chance to thrive in something you are good at and/or something different you want to try. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

Volunteering enabled me to enhance my leadership skills which led to employment opportunities! I was tapped for a leadership position for a company because of the leadership skills on the board I exemplified with MPI. You never know what doors it may open up for you!”

 Anne M. Madden, CMP HMCC; CMP Study Group Chair
Director of Business Development at the Etherio Group

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David Jackson, CMP HMCC taking a selfie with Jim Cohn

“Volunteering keeps me connected to the industry of tourism and hospitality. I get to work with fantastic professionals. Plus, I learn by doing and committee work gets you involved. You feel good about volunteering at the end of the day. You know that you are not just talking the talk but walking the walk and effectively building up the meetings industry which needs all of our help. I recommend volunteering to anyone in an association particularly one as elite as MPI.”

 David Jackson, CMP HMCC; Awards Committee
Managing Partner at KKD Tourism Advisors

“Volunteering for MPI takes being a member to the next level. The connections are greater when you can work on a committee or special project with planners and supplier you might have only spoken to briefly at and event.”

Courtney Babcock; Recruitment Committee
Director of Sales at the Chester County Conference & Visitors Bureau

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Mary-Ann Urbanovich, MS, CMP-HC and other MPI PHL leaders and volunteers celebrating Mary-Ann for receiving the 2021 MPI PHL President’s Award

“It's about community and giving back. Investing in others is how we mentor and pay it forward to ensure our community endures. Think about those who invested in you somewhere in your life and if they didn't invest in you, where would you be? God calls us to be servants to each other and the world around us, what better way to show His caring than helping others?

You might not see benefits immediately but they are always there. While volunteering does take time and energy, it brings with it a sense of pride, community, and one can ever discount the relationships it builds. If nothing else, the past 18 months demonstrates how having a "tribe" for support is invaluable.”

Mary-Ann Urbanovich, MS, CMP-HC; CMP Study Group Committee
Meeting Manager at HMP Global

“I love volunteering because it gives me an opportunity to give back to a community that has given so much to me. It also gives me an opportunity to connect with new and old friends and make connections I may not have made before. Who doesn’t love new friends and contacts?”

Miriam Rosenbaum; Vice President of Membership
Event Marketing Specialist at Essent Guaranty, Inc.

Learn more about volunteering at the All Team Meeting on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at the Elmwood Park Zoo. From 3:30PM - 7:00PM EST, we will explore the zoo and the volunteer opportunities MPI PHL has available, strategically plan with other committee members, and enjoy networking with each other. No worries if you cannot attend the entire event. Attend whichever part you can. For more information and registration, click here.



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