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MPI Italia Chapter

Innovative Educational Programming

To discover which educational topics were needed by its members, the MPI Italia Chapter organized its membership into teams supporting VPs, engaging in brainstorming calls to share ideas and suggestions. In partnerships with various group including ItaliaLive Associations, academic organizations, and other MPI chapters, MPI Italia produced 26 events, 6 of which were face to face, with over 2,000 participants. MPI Italia promoted vital tools and instruments to their members, such as the Airbone Risk Calculator Study and case histories from the MPI Netherlands Chapter, the Spanish Tourist Office and the Florence Congress Center. They even contributed to the WEC Vegas digital educational track presenting their solutions for secure venues and events.

Additionally, after 3 years of collaboration with UNI (the national standardization organization), Intertek (a certification organization), and government officials, their the new Meeting and Event Manager certification professional certification was approved in May 2020. As one of the two recognized centers for exams, MPI Italia organized 3 sessions in 2021, resulting in over 101 Italian professionals currently certified in this credential.