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Kate Copeland, CMM, CMP, CED, DES

Member of the Year

Kate Copeland, CMM, CMP, CED, DES has continually stepped up as a leader and advocate for her MPI chapter and community. Upon joining MPI, Kate quickly volunteered and played a role in her chapter. Since then, Kate has volunteered on the local, chapter, and global level, refining processes and contributing to both the personal support of new members as well as the organizational management of chapters overall. Her work for chapters alone is impressive: Kate is a past-president of her home chapter MPI Connecticut River Valley, a current MPI chapter facilitator, and an international volunteer committee member.

As a chapter facilitator for (5) different chapters, Kate promoted crisis leadership in 2020, empowering people to make good decisions quickly. This resulted in several of her chapters being nominated for RISE Awards. At the global level, Kate has contributed to support for chapters from her position on the MPI Chapter & Membership Advisory Council. As the industry evolves, Kate helps her chapters evolve, too, while maintaining a strong volunteer commitment.