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3 LinkedIn networking strategies every industry partner should know

By Leanne Calderwood, CMP | Mar 18, 2024

Who’s who in the zoo? Chances are the answer to that question has changed dramatically for us in the meeting and event industry over the past couple of years! 

The pandemic saw a massive departure of great talent, and a huge influx of excited and energetic professionals. Now, more than ever, it’s time we took stock of our networks and invested in growing our networks with the right people. Your network isn’t just a collection of contacts; it’s a community teeming with opportunities and meaningful business relationships. 

What better place to start than on LinkedIn!! Here are three LinkedIn networking strategies tailored for suppliers in the meeting and event industry, ensuring your digital handshake is as impactful as the physical one.

1 - Leverage personalized connection requests

The first step in expanding your LinkedIn network is to move beyond generic connection requests. Tailor each request to the individual you’re reaching out to. Did you meet them at a recent conference? Are you working with them or a peer on a program? Personalization demonstrates genuine interest and sets the foundation for a relationship that goes beyond just adding another name to your list.

*Leanne’s Tip* - Before sending a connection request, visit their profile and find a detail you can mention in your message. It could be their involvement in a recent event, a shared connection or an interest that resonates with your professional experience.

”The key is to engage authentically; share your insights, answer questions and contribute to discussions in a way that adds value.”

2 -  Engage authentically in group discussions

LinkedIn Groups are goldmines for suppliers seeking to connect with industry professionals. Participate actively in groups related to the meeting and event industry. The key is to engage authentically; share your insights, answer questions and contribute to discussions in a way that adds value. Avoid overt self-promotion. Instead, focus on establishing yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful industry player. This approach not only broadens your network but also enhances your reputation as a trusted supplier.

*Leanne’s Tip* - Start with our own MPI groups!  Many chapters have their own groups, as well as some communities including MPI Small Business Owners. Simply type “MPI” in the LinkedIn search bar and then select “Groups.”

3 - Showcase your expertise through content

Content is a powerful tool on LinkedIn. Create and share content that showcases your expertise and insights into the meeting and event industry. This could be anything from a behind-the-scenes look at your latest event setup to tips for successful event planning to trends you’re noticing in the industry. Sharing such content not only engages your existing network but also attracts new connections impressed by your knowledge and expertise.

*Leanne’s Tip* - Connect with those that engage with your content! Chances are they are like-minded in what you shared and great connections for your LinkedIn network. Not yet creating content? Connect with those that engaged on other like-minded content pieces (like those published by MPI for example….)

Friends, LinkedIn is more than just a digital resume; it’s a platform to foster relationships that can significantly impact your career and business growth. Apply these strategies consistently and watch as your network transforms into a robust, supportive community, enhancing your net worth in the industry.

To growing your network and your influence, 

P.S. Why not make today the day you connect with an industry colleague or two? Strengthening your network is just a click away! Not sure where to start? Find me on LinkedIn and send a connection request 🙂



Leanne Calderwood, CMP

A self-professed raging introvert and obsessive tea drinker, Leanne created her personal brand to help avoid cold calling prospects and dared to do things differently. She built a thriving six-figure business in the meeting and event industry on the back of her brand and LinkedIn presence, and now helps others do the same through her training, speaking and digital courses.

When she’s not obsessing over business and branding trends, you can find Leanne drinking wine at home in Kelowna with her husband, her two soon-to-be-adult sons and her dog Farls Barkley.