Keynote Speakers 

Tucker Bryant

Tucker Bryant

The Artist's Guide to Unlocking Innovation

Monday, October 16

1:15 PM

The last few years have been a merciless reminder to businesses that complacency will ruin us. Our competition is ferocious and customers expect more from us than ever. Yet, McKinsey has found that only 6 percent of leaders feel fully tapped into their teams’ potential to nurture original thinkers who take an active role in authoring the future of their businesses.

After spending a decade alongside world-class innovators at institutions like Stanford and Google, Tucker Bryant has discovered an unexpected perspective professionals can adopt to confront the future with confidence: the outlook of a poet. As a nationally renowned poet, Tucker has identified five powerful tools poets have relied on for millennia to unshackle themselves from their comfort zones and innovate through language—tools that offer business leaders the expanded perspective we need to weather our murkiest tomorrows.

Discover how The Poet’s Keys™ empower leaders to unlock the doors to enhanced creativity, collaboration and competitive advantage in the areas our businesses care about most. Leave equipped with the tools to build a culture of creative disruption and bold exploration in every arena of your organization.

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Nick Santonastasso

Peak Performance: Dominating Your Goals

Tuesday, October 17

8:30 AM

Most professionals are not living up to their full potential and falling short of their peak performance, whether it is their finances, relationships, businesses or health. Running the same disempowering story in your head over and over, can leave you feeling trapped.

Learn how to focus on what you have and what you can control instead of what you’re lacking and create a new, empowering story in which you’re the hero instead of the victim. Learn top strategies, frameworks, tools and systems from top achievers so you can reach optimal performance.

Apply a step-by-step approach to becoming a better leader while gaining confidence, improving your finances and health and finding your purpose.

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Nick Santonastasso


Erin King

Unlock Your Big Deal Energy

Wednesday, October 18

8:30 AM

At the crossroads of personal and professional growth, how do you respond when your inner compass urges you to take a different path? When faced with challenges, do you choose comfort over courage or embrace boldness and audacity? Join Erin King, a three-time entrepreneur and bestselling author, as she unveils the roadmap to unlocking your “Big Deal Energy”—that grittier, audacious spirit that propels you toward living the life you've dreamed of living online, offline, and all the time.


Key Points:

  • Embrace Your Big Deal Energy: Discover how to break free from the confines of your comfort zone and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Learn how to embrace your true potential, align your actions with your aspirations, and confidently navigate life's crossroads.
  • Overcome Obstacles with Courage: Identify and conquer the barriers holding you back. Uncover strategies to cultivate the courage needed to face challenges head-on, push past fear, and seize opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • Ignite Powerful Progress through Leadership: Develop actionable steps to lead yourself and your team towards your boldest goals. Understand how to inspire, motivate, and foster growth while navigating the ever-changing landscape of the modern world.
  • The Human-A.I. Synergy: Sprinkled within this transformative journey is a reflection on the conference theme of "Human Nature." Explore the potential of A.I. as a tool that complements and amplifies human capabilities. Discover how to navigate the apprehensions surrounding A.I. and embrace it as a catalyst for innovation and growth.


Key Takeaways:

  • Activating Your Audacity: Unleash your untapped potential and step confidently toward the life you've dreamed of living, both personally and professionally.
  • Courageous Decision-Making: Develop the courage to make bold choices, setting you on a path of continuous growth and evolution.
  • Leadership for Progress: Equip yourself with actionable leadership strategies to navigate challenges, inspire progress, and drive results.
  • A.I. as an Amplifier: Gain a fresh perspective on A.I. as a tool that can elevate your journey, assisting in decision-making and propelling your leadership efforts when aligned with human values.


Join Erin King on this transformative journey of unlocking your Big Deal Energy and stepping into your desired life. Embrace your audacity, cultivate courage, and discover how to lead with impact amid an evolving landscape where human nature and technology converge for limitless growth.

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